February 2024 Update!
11 months ago
– Fri, Feb 02, 2024 at 05:02:31 AM
Hey, JRPG Fans!
Hopefully only one last month of cold before we can get ready for our favorite season - cherry blossoms in late March.
Campaign Information
Discord roles finally rolling out!
You may have seen some individuals getting their discord roles. We apologize this took so long but security was important. If you input your discord name incorrectly or are still using the old naming system, the bot won't be able to correctly identify you. We'll be running the bot script once a week so if you need support on getting your role assigned, send us an E-mail at [email protected] with your backer number and discord name and we'll get you set up.
Preparing for Hellbound early access
We've mentioned this on the various social media accounts but we have now ended the Closed Beta for Hellbound. We have a ton of useful feedback and are parsing through all the data received via the Googleforms and Discord comments. The goal will be to fix any major bugs, adjust some of the core gameplay and metaloop and add in a couple of new systems we've been thinking about. The goal is to release early access during the last week of February. It will feature the following:
・Area 3 added with new enemies, a new boss, and new music from Yoshitaka Hirota
・Axeman as a playable character
・New Dungeon NPCs that battle with you during your run
・2 new systems: emblems and organ grinding
・50 achievements
・1 new shops and upgraded versions of old shops
・Voices no longer linked to your text language (play the English version with Japanese voices and vice versa)
・Updated tutorials and tool tips
・Metaloop and timing adjustments based on Closed Beta Feedback
・Bug Fixes
As mentioned before, those who purchased the game during the Closed Beta period will be able to play the Early Access build once it's available on February 26th.
Fastest Run and Giveaway Contest Results
Congratulations to Mattremy and ArctheLadder who won the giveaway and fastest run contest respectively. We'll be reaching out to both of you in the new future to confirm your shipping information for the signature boards!
Development Updates
Today’s report is coming to you from Sekiya. Starting this year, the timing of these reports has shifted a bit, and we’ll be surprising you at the beginning of each month from now on.
Today (or after today, on the 3rd) is the “setsubun” event in Japan. It’s a traditional event that has existed since long ago where people spread beans around to cast out evil and invite in good fortune, but I’m not sure how many people actually still practice it to this day. For me, it’s just become a day where I buy beans at the convenience store and eat a number equal to my current age. We might be in trouble if the demons decide to get serious.
Oh yeah, and is the 14th Valentine’s Day? I forgot that was a thing. If you aren’t careful with how you celebrate, the murderer Harry Warden will come back, right? And beans don’t work against that demon…
Armed Fantasia February 2024 Project News
Due to effects from the end of the year holiday, we don’t have any outstanding reports to make in any section this month. The content of our project updates is starting to look very similar as a result, so from this point on when we don’t have any big topic to emphasize, we’re going to pick some sort of theme to focus on instead.
And so, since we just got balance models turned in from the modeling team for Soleil and her pet (?) Strisch, we’d like to introduce them this time around. We’re also going to reveal information on Soleil that’s safe to reveal at this stage.
Soleil Balance Model
▲Soleil’s setting art
▲Soleil’s balance models, coat version and inner clothing version
The first step in creating a 3D character that can be mobile in-game is creating balance models based on the character design. It may seem simple, since details such as eyes haven’t been added yet, but we use this stage to check and examine the overall balance, the form of the parts, and the consistency when the model actually moves.
As textures and shaders are applied, we modify and brush up the model, so the finished product ends up looking completely different.
Due to Soleil's long hair and bulky, complicated jacket, several of the parts interfered with each other when she was turned into a model, so the design apparently became rather challenging.
Since player characters can change ARMs in ARMED FANTASIA, their models are being created under more delicate constraints than you may be imagining.
Strisch’s Balance Model
▲Strisch’s setting art
Image text translation: He’s wearing a jacket, and the bottom right shows the size difference between the two.
▲Strisch’s balance models
These are the balance models for Strisch, who is always with Soleil. As mentioned earlier, Strisch is also Soleil’s first gadget, but Strisch also assists her in battle as well.
Strisch will be just as active as the player characters themselves when it comes to the event scenes, field exploration, and battles in the game, so Strisch also requires just as much attention as Soleil, albeit in a different way.
About Soleil
We’ve released some fragmentary information on her so far, but Soleil is a character with a ninja motif. However, this is solely a motif. In ARMED FANTASIA, Soleil comes from a clan of kaiju extermination specialists known as ‘tomashi.’
The need for kaiju exterminators has declined due to the spread of ARMs across Londenium, so they’ve become obsolete. Midst this, Soleil continues to travel as a Pathfinder and meets up with Ingram and his gang, but we’ll keep the details of their story secret for now.
Her initial ARM is a fist-type, and she excels in close combat and physical skills, but can also use tomashi-specific skills as well. At 14 years old, Soleil is the youngest and shortest in the party, but should be quite useful in battle.
She isn’t very talkative, and may come off as introverted, but is actually pretty tough.
When she finds it difficult to describe something, she often uses Strisch like a ventriloquist's puppet to speak for her, and can be pretty harsh at times…especially toward Euclid.
She carries sweets with her as rations, and has a pretty big appetite as she’s still growing.
About Strisch
Strisch is a small animal (least weasel, or Mustela nivalis) that Soleil keeps with her. Strisch is a rare breed of animal for Londenium, and cannot communicate with humans like a certain wind mouse can, but Strisch is still pretty intelligent. Strisch can also dexterously use tools and pull off combo attacks with Soleil in battle.
Strisch’s fluffy, cute appearance earns curious glances from Euclid, an animal lover, but apparently Strisch isn’t very fond of Euclid.
Incidentally, when Soleil translates what Strisch is saying, she uses “Ore” in Japanese, a traditionally male pronoun. In other words, Strisch is a boy!
That concludes this month’s report.
It’s still cold out there, so please take care of yourselves.
PENNY BLOOD Project Diary
Everyone, be sure to keep the oni out and let the good fortune in!
It felt like New Year’s was only yesterday, yet setsubun is already here. This year, I’d like to put on some sort of demon (oni) mask and run around my house. February also has Valentine’s Day, so it’s truly a season in which we can all experience youthful romance. (staring off into the distance)
Now, for this month’s Penny Blood project report.
Thanks to everyone’s support, Penny Blood: Hellbound’s closed beta test ended on 1/31. We’re really grateful to everyone who took the time to play the game. We’ve been going through all the feedback you sent to us, and the development team is working hard to power up the content of the game. All of that along with brand new content will be released in the Early Access version, so we hope you’re looking forward to it.
This month, I’m also proud to release some new art from the main game.
First, we have the Twoheaded Pig (temporary name). While the closed beta test for the companion game Penny Blood: Hellbound was running, and I was working long and hard on the structure for the main game, I wanted a normal monster that’d be easy to use in various places, so I had Hanya-san design this monster. It’s been designed in a way that’ll make it easy to recolor it and modify its model a bit. The story behind this monster is that it was a livestock pig artificially modified due to the food shortages that ensued after the end of World War I. Among the other gross, horror-style monsters in the game, I want to make it a cute-grotesque monster that goes ‘oiiiink, oiiiink’ and does charming motions.
The other image is the Altar of Kalingsum. Out of all the dungeons that Matthew visits in Penny Blood, this will be the most important and most dangerous one. When Watanabe-san was drawing this, I had him include special elements such as the gravestones, otherworldly sky, and the large mirror floating in the air.
Depending on what angle you look at the mirrors from, they will depict truth and lies, Matthew himself and his enemies, the past and the present, hope and despair…there will be much to see in all of them. Up until now, I have always depicted my main characters’ mental struggles alongside the stories in my games, and the same will be true for Penny Blood. I’m going to work hard from here on out to make them as dramatic as possible.
…That concludes this month’s update. This is the coldest season out of the year, so please take care of yourselves and stay in good health.
See you all next month.
Matsuzo Machida
Message from Hirota-san
Good evening, everyone. I feel like January 1st was just yesterday, but it’s already February now, isn’t it?
I want to thank everyone who participated in the Penny Blood: Hellbound closed beta test. There were a lot of sound-related things that I wasn’t able to finish or implement in time, but I’m working my hardest to get things prepared for the Early Access release.
For a while now, I’ve been working on the boss themes for the different areas. I’m planning on playing a lot of different instruments for the recordings. Original stringed instruments, basses, guitars, cellos, flutes, percussion instruments, etc.
Bass is an instrument that I especially love and have played a lot throughout my life, so it’s the most helpful in terms of breathing vitality into my music. During recordings, I always play it with the same amount of energy that I release during my live performances.
Penny Blood: Hellbound doesn’t have as much dramatic sound direction as RPGs do, so I feel like that means we need to put a lot of dramatic elements into the battle music. With the battle theme for the first area, I focused on using it as a way to draw people into the world of Penny Blood: Hellbound, putting emphasis on the initial coloring and the image that I wanted people to first get into their heads. The songs for further areas will have a lot of transitions within them and are currently turning into even more interesting pieces.
Up to this point, I had to do a lot of managerial things and ‘top-down’ work such as sound direction, but from this point on, I’ll be able to lose myself simply in composing for a while. I feel like after looking at the entire thing from a telescope and sketching, I’ve switched over to a magnifying glass now.
In any case, I’m now at the point where I can truly shine as a composer, so I’m going to do my best to keep creating great songs.
I’m looking forward to talking with you all whenever I do another composing broadcast. Please stay warm and make sure you don’t catch a cold.
無事にDiscordのロールは取得できたでしょうか。セキュリティが重要だったので、付与までに時間がかかったことをお詫びいたします。もし自分のDiscordのユーザー名を間違って入力したり、サーベイに返答した以外のユーザー名をまだ使っていたりすると、ボットはあなたを正しく識別することができませんのでご注意ください。ロールの割り当てについてサポートが必要な方は、バッカー番号とDiscordのユーザー名を明記の上、[email protected] 宛にメールをお送りください。なお、ボットスクリプトは1週間に1回実行される予定です。付与をお待ちください。
様々なソーシャルメディアアカウントでお伝えしてきたとおり、「PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND」のクローズドベータテストが終了しました。GoogleフォームやDiscordのコメントを通じたくさんの有益なフィードバックをいただき、現在そのすべてのデータを解析しているところです。目標は、大きなバグを修正し、コアゲームプレイとメタルループの一部を調整し、私たちが考えていたいくつかの新しいシステムを追加し、2月26日にアーリーアクセスをリリースすることです。その特徴は以下のとおり:
『ARMED FANTASIA』2024年2月プロジェクト月報
ARMの持ち替え都合もあるので『ARMED FANTASIA』のプレイヤーキャラクターは
『ARMED FANTASIA』では「討魔師」と呼称される、カイジュウ退治のスペシャリストと位置付けられる一族の出身です。
『PENNY BLOOD』プロジェクト日記
みなさん、鬼はそと! 福はうち!
それでは、今回のPENNY BLOOD プロジェクトの進捗報告をさせていただきます。
おかげさまで PENNY BLOOD:HellBound クローズドβは1/31 を持ちましてプレイ期間が終了しました。遊んでくださった方々、本当にありがとうございました。皆様から数多くよせられたフィードバックを精査し、開発チームはゲームの内容をさらにパワーアップさせて行きます。そして、対応できた部分は新要素と共に次のアーリーアクセス版で反映されて行きますので、ぜひ楽しみに待っていてください。
まず最初は、ツーヘッドピッグ(仮名ね)。コンパニオンゲームPENNY BLOOD:HellBound のクローズドβ版が公開されている横で、町田は細く長く本編の構成をつづけているのですが、その中で汎用的に使えそうなザコが欲しくなって半谷さんにデザインしてもらったモンスターです。若干のモデル替え&色替え等のバリエーションを作りやすくしてもらいました。
こちらはPENNY BLOOD でマシューが足を踏み入れる数々のダンジョンの中でも最も重要で危険な場所になります。
私はこれまでも主人公の精神的な戦いを描いてきましたが、PENNY BLOOD でもその戦いが繰り広げられるのです。どんなドラマチックなシーンにできるか、今から気合いが入ります。
町田 松三
Penny Blood: Hellboundのクローズドβ、遊んでくださった方々ありがとうございました。
Penny Blood: Hellboundは、RPGに比べるとドラマ部分でのサウンド演出が少ないので、戦闘曲にドラマチックな要素を盛り込む必要があるのではないかと感じています。
最初のエリアの戦闘曲は、Penny Blood: Hellboundの世界への導入を意識した曲で、始まりの色合いや、最初のうちに感じて欲しいイメージを重視していましたが、それ以降のエリアは、曲中の展開も多く、より面白いものになって来ているように思います。
Penny Blood Hellbound Interim Update
12 months ago
– Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 01:02:16 AM
Hello! Just a quick interim update!
Backerkit Order Locking and Charges
If you are a new backer or have purchased additional add-ons via the Backerkit store you have probably received an E-mail asking you to finalize your order. In enabling Paypal to be used for the main campaign Backerkit page, we wanted to use the time to lock orders and charge cards for the current orders we have on hand. This pertains to both the Double Kickstarter and Hellbound titles. Any charge will be listed as Red Art since their payment account is attached to the project.
New orders are still possible but we’ll be handling any survey changes to previous orders manually so just send us an E-mail at [email protected] so that we can update your order. Manual changes can still happen up until 3 months before shipping so there is still plenty of time.
Penny Blood Hellbound January 10th Interim Build
We mentioned some of the high-level changes to Penny Blood Hellbound but here is a specific list of the updated content. The goal will be to use the remaining Closed Beta time to fine tune the metaloop/store costs/damage amounts as we move towards Early Access in February. You can purchase the game from the backerkit link below:
Also, please note that when Early Access releases the price will increase from 20 Dollars to 25 Dollars with a new level and multiplayer modes dropping shortly so if you want to purchase it at the cheaper price you'll have until February to do so. As stated in an earlier update, Beta access will allow you to play the game throughout Early Access.
Change List:
-Voices added for player characters, bosses, and NPCs.
-Area 2 Normal battle music added.
-Shop BGMs added to shops in the hideout.
-Sudden mission timer now freezes during Ecstasy Skill activation.
-Fixed a bug where music stops when Steamdecks go into sleep mode.
-Fixed a bug where active skill icons disappear when skills are switched in the inventory screen. Skills can also no longer be switched in the inventory screen during battle.
-The Ecstasy Gauge can no longer be increased by bloodsurfing after clearing a stage.
-Recovery panel amounts and costs have been adjusted.
Free recovery: 7-9%
Paid recovery: 20-25%
Cost: x10 pennies
-Spike traps now do more damage.
-Fixed the bug where active skills can no longer be used when a character is resurrected by a skill.
-Currency now displays on the lower right corner of the screen if you stand still in the hideout for 1.5 seconds.
-Alchemical costs have been lowered by 100 malystals.
-Dr. Eugene’s mod lab costs have been lowered by 50 malystals.
-Damage has been reduced for the following skills: Sentinel Orbs, Malice Grinder.
-Various text and input bugs have also been fixed.
Natsume Atari Code!?!
Natsume Atari is a developer with a long history in games and rightfully so has their own "secret code". I wonder if this unlocks something on the title screen???
Xbox Controller:X, X, X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y, X, Y, X, Y, X, Y, X, Y
PS Controller:□, □, □, □, △, △, △, △, □, △, □, △, □, △, □, △
As always, please send us your feedback via the official discord or google form that you can access directly from the game menu. Thank you!
Backerkitストアで追加アドオンを購入された方、または新規バッカーの方は、注文の確定をお願いするメールを受け取っていただいているはずです。メインキャンペーンのBackerkitページでPaypalの使用を有効にするにあたり、カード決済のための時間をいただき、現在私たちの手元にある注文で一旦ロックしたいと考えております。これはDouble KickstarterとPennyBloodHellboundの両タイトルに適用されます。手続き用口座がプロジェクトに付随しているため、決済元の名称はすべて「Red Art」と表示されますのでご確認ください。
新規注文は可能ですが、今後は以前のサーベイによる注文の変更は手作業で行いますので、新規ご注文ご希望の旨を[email protected] までメールでご連絡ください。手作業での変更は発送の3ヶ月前まで承りますので、もう少し時間の余裕がございます。どうぞご検討ください。
Penny Blood Hellbound中間アップデートビルド
今回の「PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND」アップデートでの大きな変更点は以前にお伝えしておりましたが、以下は、さらに詳細な内容のリストとなります。2月のアーリーアクセスに向けて、残りのベータ期間でさらにゲームサイクル、ストアコスト、ダメージ量を調整する予定です。ゲームは以下のリンクから購入していただけます。
購入費用:× 10ペニー
アジトで立ち止まると 1.5秒後に所持している通貨を画面右下あたりに表示するように変更
Xbox Controller:X, X, X, X, Y, Y, Y, Y, X, Y, X, Y, X, Y, X, Y
PS Controller:□, □, □, □, △, △, △, △, □, △, □, △, □, △, □, △
January 2024 Update! Happy New Year!
12 months ago
– Fri, Jan 05, 2024 at 04:45:00 AM
Happy New Year to everyone! We are brushing off the dust from 2023 and ready to focus on 2024! We hope you all had a restful vacation!
Campaign Updates
Survey, survey, survey!
We are currently sitting at an 87% completion ratio which is good but most Kickstarter's tend to get to 90% or more. If you haven't completed your survey, you can access it from this link:
The bot is done and we will be sending out roles for anyone who went back and re-entered their correct discord ID in the Discord survey question. Bot will do its thing starting on the 12th of January.
We mentioned that AppleID's anonymous E-mails means you cannot receive updates nor get the survey link. We'll have to go in through the backend and alter your E-mail addresses one by one so please reach out to us at [email protected] so we can adjust that.
Penny Blood Hellbound Closed Beta
We have received tons and tons of great feedback! Watching people find new builds to break the game is always a lot of fun. We know some people just want to play the game and not provide a bunch of feedback so we've got 3 polls in the fan-vote channel asking about the Active, Passive, and Weapon skills you like. It's a simple click of a button and really helps so swing on by and let us know.
January 10th Interim Update
As mentioned in the roadmap, we'll have some great additions to the Closed Beta:
・Area 2 normal battle music from Iwadare-san of the Lunar and Grandia Fame
・Interactive music that changes based on the situation
・Some new art
・Minor adjustments in costs of some of the upgrades
Contest and giveaway!
The contest and giveaway for the signatured boards signed by different Japanese voice actors is still ongoing. Put a photo of your clear screen in the discord contest channel and go to that giveaway channel and click participate for your chance to win! Everything will be decided on January 31st and announced in the next update!
Quick Callouts
We've approached over 100 media and 50 JRPG/roguelike content creators. It's always tough to find traction as a new title so we wanted to give a quick call out to some people who have covered the game's announcement and game play. As always feel free to stream the Beta or come play it in the Hellhounders Hideout voice chat channel on the official Discord.
Hellfire RPGS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJtMyXsTttc
Geemu Geemu: https://geemugeemu.com/impresion/impresiones-de-penny-blood-hellbound
Noisy Pixel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdmXa55r5MA
Development Updates
It’s a new year now, but here is our project report from December. For the first time in a while, it’ll be brought to you by Kaneko.
ARMED FANTASIA 12/2023 Project Report
Happy New Year 2024! I hope you’ll all keep cheering us on this year.
Work has begun on the world map and town maps, and the quality of the landscapes has gone up.
As an example, objects such as cacti and undergrowth have been added to the world map, and we’ve added enough greenery as we can permit in a wasteland. There’s an abundance of data on the maps now. Wind blows over the ground and the shadows of clouds also slide across it, so there’s a lot of emotion to it.
Once you step outside of Ingram’s (one of the main characters) house, you’ll see a volcano in the distance that looks so menacing and imposing it’s almost comical. (It’s really unfortunate that I can’t show you the actual video)
It’d be like stepping outside the castle town of Tantegel only to see that the Dragonlord’s castle (the final dungeon) is right next to you. I haven’t been that surprised in a while.
Additionally, we’re gradually adding more reactions to the game, such as sand being kicked up when the characters run. As the controls are improved, we’re getting closer and closer to reaching full realization of “a JRPG that’s fun to move around in.”
Aside from the quality boosts in each map, we’re also working on white models for the underground area of a new map. Work has begun on dungeons near the middle part of the story, so it could be said that work is proceeding apace.
Concept Art
Work is also continuing on the concept art. The image we’re showing off today is the outside of a dungeon that appears in the prologue, which we’ve named: Trial Tower of the Tearless World.
Is this meant to be a trial in order to turn Londenium, the stage of our story, into a tearless world, or is there a trial here because it’s already become a tearless world? It’s a hard name to decipher, but it’s clear that this will be a tower that tests the player a great deal with repeated jumps and block pushes.
Concept art of Trial Tower of the Tearless World
The base system used in this game’s battles is the Cross Order Tactics system, where enemy and ally turn order intersect with each other. You can interject your characters at certain points to break up enemy’s combos or use Force Breaks to deal massive damage. We’ve implemented the UI for this along with all the other mechanisms needed for battles, such as status ailments and elemental effects.
Even though it’s a highly strategic turn-based battle system, I realized that when you actually sit down to play it, there are a lot of things you actually need to look at, and it’s become a very detailed system with a lot of different elements to understand. How are we going to make this easy to play without moving too far away from our initial concept? This will be an important discussion point for me and the people in charge of the battle system going forward. My personal feeling is that the stars of normal enemy encounters are the player characters. I feel like things should be adjusted so that things center around satisfying victories earned from selecting commands that match up with the situation.
“Still writing. Still suffering at a good pace.”
…It’s become a tradition each update for me to write this, but I actually finished the vertical axis that comprises everything that can be categorized as the main scenario in 2023, and an end mark has been attached to it. Good work, me.
Still, I’ve only finished the first draft, so I’ll naturally be brushing things up in second and third drafts. And I’m sure that merciless edits will be made to the crazy parts that go beyond the limits of ethics and budgets.
Additionally, I still have the sub-quests to deal with, and since this is an RPG, there will also be town NPC lines and dialog changes when the player later returns to a town they’ve already passed through, so I don’t feel the least bit like I’ve actually finished my scenario work.
So I’m still writing…still suffering at a good pace…
The main scenario is finished for now, so we’re right in the middle of changing the temporary names/IDs of the towns and dungeons into ones that fit their finished forms. (Such as Trial Tower of the Tearless World, which we unveiled above.)
The nomenclature of all the maps are pretty much confirmed, so we’ve listed them up to check the balance of the names and adjusting things as necessary, especially when we notice several names that look too similar (due to habits). If the details change when the map is actually created, this naturally causes some names to not fit anymore, so it can take a surprisingly long time for everything to get 100% confirmed.
Speaking of names, I’m also in the middle of giving names to sub characters, key items, and other details that appear in the main scenario. I don’t really know how other writers work, but personally I don’t really decide the names of key items and sub characters before writing the scenario. Sorry if this is all a bit too abstract, but it seems that the part of the brain I use for scenario writing is different from the part of the brain I use for naming things, so I just can’t do both at the same time.
Therefore, I usually give things random names as I write the scenario, then give them proper names afterwards (or get someone else to name them for me).
Things have finally calmed down regarding the new character design work, so I’ve ordered our designers to work on advertising things as well as standing pose illustrations that will also partially be used in the game. Things are pretty much finished for the main six characters currently. But the unique characteristics of the weapons they use are also important, so an evil person requested to have each character wield an ARM as well. Compared to normal standing pose illustrations, this takes way more work, so please take extra care to check out those aspects when we eventually reveal them to you.
Kaiju designs, kaiju models, and kaiju motions are all being worked on as well. Reading that, it may seem like things aren’t progressing with the kaiju, but things are proceeding just like how they are with sub-characters connected to the story as well as NPC placement in towns.
Today, I’d like to reveal to you all the design & model for the private army soldiers led by the Iconocluster. They’re dissatisfied with how the world is being run by the Church of the Sacred Key, so after turning into outlaws, they approved (approved?) of the Iconocluster’s anti-church sentiments and joined up with them. Normal NPCs with common sense call them the “dregs at the bottom” and shun them.
Unlike the wild kaiju who roam around, they utilize intelligence and combos to stymie the main characters’ efforts. Their greatest characteristics are the illegally modified “bootleg” ARMs they use in battle.
Event storyboards are proceeding right along with the scenario work. We’re also creating new visual storyboards for Force Breaks.
Iconocluster soldier setting art & model
PENNY BLOOD Project Diary
Happy New Year, everyone.
There was no update at the end of 2023, so I posted a look back at 2023 on our Studio Wild Rose home page, and was surprised to see that this update would be happening right at the start of this year.
First off, I want to thank you all once again for all your concern regarding the effects of the earthquake that happened on New Year’s Day. Niigata Prefecture, where Studio Wild Rose is located, experienced severe quakes, but those were still light compared to what the Noto Peninsula in Ishikawa Prefecture suffered. As someone who lives in the same area, I can’t stop wishing from the bottom of my heart that those affected can receive peace and relief in both body and soul as soon as possible.
Now then, it’s time for this month’s Penny Blood project report…or at least, that’s how these things always go, but nothing much has changed from what I posted on our home page in December, so if you’re curious about that, please check out the Studio Wild Rose blog.
We’ll keep passionately bringing you news on both Penny Blood and Penny Blood: Hellbound this year, so please keep cheering us on. Now then, everyone, I’ll see you all again next month (or perhaps at the end of this month?)
Matsuzo Machida
Message from Hirota-san
Happy new year!
Thank you all so much for all the support and hope you all showed us last year. I’m going to do my very best again this year to deliver the best sound possible to you all, so I hope you’ll all keep cheering us on with just as much passion.
Last year was a very busy year. We developed the Penny Blood Walkthrough version, announced the production of Penny Blood: Hellbound, and now my sound work for Penny Blood: Hellbound is nearing its culmination.
Interactive music is planned to be implemented in the 1/10 update. In short, interactive music is music that changes in conjunction with the player’s actions and the situation within the game.
Back in the Shadow Hearts series, we made it so that the battle music would switch from the normal battle music to berserk battle music when your character went berserk. Due to memory limitations at the time, we implemented a system that used the instrument waveforms as-is and replaced only the sheet music data.
After that, thanks to developments in hardware and sound middleware, we are now able to do even more interesting things with the music. In Penny Blood: Hellbound, I’m pretty sure you can already hear part of this with the music in the hideout. Through player actions, the normal music will change into a different remixed version where part of the instruments that play in the hideout music during normal times disappear and different instruments start to play while synchronizing themselves in rhythm only.
In the 1/10 update, you’ll be able to hear even more variations in the hideout. I’ve also prepared interactive music for the battles as well: one of the changes will happen based on how full your Ecstasy Gauge is.
Throughout the rest of the development period, I’m going to work my hardest to use sound to make the game as entertaining as possible.
Before the update drops, I plan to do a stream about Penny Blood: Hellbound’s music and interactive music on 1/7, so I hope to see you all there.
Composition work for PENNY BLOOD(: HELLBOUND) vol.4
2024 Jan.7(sun.) JST 3PM-4:30PM
Please keep cheering us on this year as well!!
皆さん、明けましておめでとうございます! 2023年の埃を払い、2024年に集中する準備が整いました! 休暇はゆっくり過ごせましたか? 今年もよろしくお願いします。
ボットが完成し、サーベイに正しいDiscord IDを再入力した方にはロールを送信する予定です。ボットは1月12日(金)から稼働予定です。
4月のアップデートで、KickstarterにAppleIDでサインインしたバッカーさんはアップデートを受け取れず、サーベイのリンクも取得できないことをお知らせしました。該当する方はサーバー側のほうでメールアドレスを1つずつ変更する必要がありますので、[email protected] までご連絡ください。
Hellfire RPGS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJtMyXsTttc
Geemu Geemu: https://geemugeemu.com/impresion/impresiones-de-penny-blood-hellbound
Noisy Pixel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdmXa55r5MA
『ARMED FANTASIA』2023年12月プロジェクト月報
本編でも一部使用を予定している 立ちポーズイラストの作業を依頼。
良識ある一般NPCからは、底辺の悪党(Gang of Bottom)と忌避されています。
『PENNY BLOOD』プロジェクト日記
それでは、今回のPENNY BLOOD プロジェクトの進捗報告をさせていただきます。……と、いつもはそういう流れなんですが、12月に弊社のホームページ掲載した状況から大きな進展もありませんので、気になる方は是非スタジオワイルドローズのブログをご覧ください。
本年もPENNY BLOOD とPENNY BLOOD : HellBound の状況を熱く伝えて参りますので、どうぞ、ご支援のほど宜しくお願い致します。
町田 松三
昨年は『PENNY BLOOD』Walkthrough版の開発に『PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND』の制作発表と、盛りだくさんの一年でした。そして『PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND』のサウンド制作は、まさに佳境を迎えています。
かつての"Shadow Hearts"シリーズにおいては戦闘中、自キャラの暴走により音楽も戦闘曲から暴走曲へと切り替わる演出がありました。当時はメモリの都合上、戦闘曲の楽器波形をそのまま流用し、譜面データのみ差し替えるというシステムで実装されていました。
『PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND』において、すでにアジトの中で、その演出の一部を聴いて頂けるかと思います。あなたの行動により、通常時に再生されるアジト曲から一部の楽器が消え、リズムだけ同期したまま違う楽器が鳴り、異なったリミックス楽曲に変化するはずです。
アップデートに先駆けて、そのインタラクティブ・ミュージック演出や、PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUNDの音楽についての配信を、1/7に行いたいと思っています。配信で皆様とお会いできるのを楽しみにしています。
Composition work for PENNY BLOOD(: HELLBOUND) vol.4
2024 Jan.7(sun.) JST 3PM-4:30PM
Penny Blood Hellbound Closed Beta has begun!
about 1 year ago
– Thu, Dec 14, 2023 at 12:40:51 AM
Hello backers!
Penny Blood Hellbound is live NOW!
This is a special update to focus on the Penny Blood: Hellbound Closed Backer Beta launch. First off, thank you to everyone who has joined us for the closed Beta. You will be able to purchase the Closed Beta up until the game launches into Early Access. When it does, anyone who purchased the Closed Beta will continue to be able to play the game so you are really just getting to participate at an earlier point in development at a cheaper price point and will receive the exclusive Closed Beta Backer emblem.
Here's the purchase link again: https://penny-blood-hellbound-store.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders
Dos and Don'ts when playing Penny Blood: Hellbound:
DO stream the game as much as you want. There will be some minor bugs but in general most of the core features are in the game and we feel it can only help! Feel free to stream in one of the voice channels on the official discord as well!
DON'T worry if you feel the game is hard. It's a roguelike which means you will die a lot but with each new run you will be able to buy upgrades that help you to get further and further along in the game.
DO provide any feedback that you can via the google form or discord forum. Your feedback will help us make a better game. Trying to find the perfect meta loop for when to unlock things versus when to rely on player skill is always a delicate balance and your feedback is essential.
DON'T worry if you see bugs or certain features that don't feel great. We are constantly iterating on the design to make the gameplay experience the best it can be.
DO show us your blood-surfing skills. It's a fun mechanic that can make you feel pretty cool when you nail the timing.
Tips and Tricks:
Still having a tough time with Penny Blood Hellbound? Visit the newly added "tips and tricks" section on the official Discord where the Director provides some insights into the best way to proceed through the game.
January 10th, 2024 Interim Update
As shown in the roadmap in the last update, we will have an interim update that drops January 10th. It will include:
Bug Fixes - Based on the feedback we receive from you.
Voice Acting - Check out the section below to see what cool talent is helping add personality to the quirky characters in Penny Blood Hellbound
Dynamic Music - While the December 14th version will feature a couple versions of the different music, in the January 10th update we will connect dynamic triggers that change the music based on different situations.
New Music - Composed by Noriyuki Iwadare of the Lunar and Grandia fame
Voice Acting Cast (Japan)
Clara - Kiyori Otoshiro
Sariel - Koki Hosino
Axeman - Shota Sasahara
Dr. Eugene - Fujii Gou
Saltykova - Hyosei
Vito - Hiroki Itinomiya
Ivory Warlock - Masaki Kobori
Viridian Druid - Atsuko Sakuraoka
Burt Alvord - Yuhei Iwanaga
Rhiannon Willows - Kae Oki
Samuel Mathers - Takashi Yonezawa
Karl Denke - Touma Kawahara
Patricia - Kiyori Otoshiro
Discord Giveaway and Contests:
Starting today we have started a new giveaway on the Penny Blood Discord. All you have to do is go into the giveaway channel and press "participate" to get the chance to win a signature board signed by another cast member who we will announce later. The winner will be chosen on January 31st. Please note, you must have purchased Penny Blood Hellbound to be eligible to win.
Separate from the giveaway we are providing one more signature board signed by Hyosei to whomever can send us a photo of them clearing the game the quickest. All you need to do is attach a screenshot of the clear screen which features your clear time and post it in the contest discord channel. Whomever has the fastest time by January 31st will win the prize and our respect!
Help us reach out!
Got a content creator that you think would enjoy Penny Blood: Hellbound? Reach out to us at [email protected] or you can ping us in the penny-blood-reachout channel on the official discord. We are providing various support to content creators in hopes they give Penny Blood: Hellbound a shot.
バグ修正 - 皆様からいただいたフィードバックに基づいて行います。
ボイス追加- Penny Blood Hellboundの風変わりなキャラクターに個性を与える声優さんのボイスが追加されます。ご参加いただいた素晴らしい声優陣の皆様を以下のセクションに掲載しておりますのでご覧ください。
インターアクティブミュージック - 12月14日のバージョンではいくつかの楽曲のみの採用となっていますが、1月10日のアップデートでは様々な状況に応じて音楽を変化させるダイナミックトリガーに接続します。
新しい音楽 - 『LUNAR ザ・シルバースター』や『グランディア』で有名な岩垂徳行の新曲が実装されます。
クララ ー 音代 雪里
サリエル ー 星野 煌季
アックスマン ー 笹原 翔太
Dr.オーゲン ー 藤井 剛
サルチコバ夫人 ー 氷青
ヴィトー ー 一宮 拓樹
アイヴォリー・ウォーロック ー 小堀 真生
ヴィリディアン・ドルイド ー 桜岡 あつこ
バート・アルヴォルド ー 岩永 悠平
リアンノン・ウィローズ ー 大木 加絵
サムエル・メイザース ー よねざわ たかし
カール・デンケ ー 河原 冬真
パトリシア ー 音代 雪里
本日から、ペニーブラッドDiscordで新しいプレゼント抽選を始めました。"giveaways"チャンネルに入って"Participate"を押すだけで、後日で発表される声優さんのサイン入り色紙が当たるチャンスがあります。当選者は1月31日に発表いたます。『PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND』を購入していることが当選の条件となりますのでご注意ください。
『PENNY BLOOD HELLBOUND』を楽しめそうなコンテンツクリエイターをご存じですか?[email protected] までご連絡いただくか、公式discordのpenny-blood-reachoutチャンネルでpingを送信してください。コンテンツクリエイターがPenny Blood Hellboundに挑戦してくれることを願って、私たちは様々なサポートを提供しています。
November/December 2023 Special Announcement!
about 1 year ago
– Fri, Dec 01, 2023 at 01:00:18 AM
Welcome to the November 2023 Update (Well, actually it's December now isn't it!). We have a VERY SPECIAL announcement that may come as a surprise so pull up a chair, sit down, and read-on!
Yukikaze/STUDIO WILDROSE x Natsume Atari proudly announce Penny Blood: Hellbound
Penny Blood Hellbound is a roguelite companion title based in the Penny Blood world. It has been developed in the indie-spirit with Natsume Atari providing the core development and STUDIO WILDROSE creating the concept and leading the overall creative direction. It features:
・Play as the Hellhounders - the rival group of baddies that try to thwart Matthew and friends at their every turn in Penny Blood.
・Roguelike gameplay where each run provides a plethora of unlocks, power-ups, and new skills as you march forward towards the final confrontation.
・The Malice System where the more blood you spill, the more currency you earn for unlocks
・Blood spilt also allows for better mobility via "bloodsurfing" where you can unleash stronger momentum-based attacks and skill-based upgrades
・Strategize your run well by choosing the best pair of Hellhounders out of a total 6 selectable characters that you can swap between in real-time
・Music by Yoshitaka Hirota with guest composer Noriyuki Iwadare of Lunar and Grandia fame
・Reserve your copy now at the Double Kickstarter Backerkit store here
・Closed Beta for backers launches December 14th on Steam and features around 10 hours of gameplay as well as an exclusive Closed Beta Backer Emblem only available for those who back during the Beta phase.
◆Words from Matsuzo Machida
I’m sure many of you are surprised by the sudden announcement. Personally, I’m very excited now that we’ve finally reached this moment.
The truth is, we’ve had the idea for a companion game from the time when we first ran the Double Kickstarter campaign. As the producer of the campaign team explained, companion games are very meaningful products that allow us to answer the passion of all the backers and fans waiting for the main game while also preventing the excitement surrounding the IP from dwindling.
However, since making a companion game requires a separate cost and would cause people to worry that we creators would become too busy with multiple projects and not be able to give them all enough attention, we didn’t include it as a stretch goal in the campaign.
Looking back, I remember exactly how things were at the end of 2022. Just when we were about to give up on the idea, Natsume Atari contacted us and asked us if we’d be interested in making the roguelike game they were currently developing set within the Penny Blood IP.
The roguelike genre is one where the player goes through multiple runs in order to fully “clear” the game. While they’re different from JRPGs, they’re also popular around the world as well. It was possible for me to create a world and main characters that would fit that concept, so I gratefully accepted their offer.
Once actual production began on Penny Blood: Hellbound, the director Furukawa-san as well as the rest of the development staff began working on the game with a stunning amount of passion. And now, the fact that we’re able to reveal the fruits of their labor today is a very big step for both us as well as Penny Blood.
I hope you’re all excited to experience Penny Blood: Hellbound, a roguelike game where we unleash the Hellhounders, the villains of Penny Blood.
◆Words from Takanori Furukawa (Game Director at Natsume Atari)
I’m so happy to be able to announce PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND to you all today.
This game is a companion game to PENNY BLOOD, and the entire team has worked very hard to make it a way for every player to enjoy the amazing world and charming characters of the PENNY BLOOD universe.
With Eiyuden Rising, we aimed to create a game that people who aren’t great at action games could still enjoy. Working on the development was a great learning experience for me, and I was also happy to see the finished product receive some praise. We also heavily focused on creating gameplay and action that feels good. I hope to use that experience to make this game embody the true fun of a roguelike action game as much as possible.
Natsume Atari has mainly focused on developing action games for some time, so we’ve always wanted to create a roguelike - a genre that’s popular all around the world. We’ve also been big fans of Machida-san for quite some time, so once the desire to create an exciting game with him grabbed our hearts, we took the liberty of contacting him.
Machida-san’s clear vision and burning passion serves as great stimulation for us, and the chemical reactions based on those things have caused lots of interesting ideas to pop into our heads. One of the most representative ideas would definitely be the “blood” motif which includes the bloodsurfing mechanic among several others.
As of now, we’re convinced that we’ll be able to deliver new excitement, revolutionary elements, and a whole chain reaction of surprises to you in a “roguelike action” form.
The entire team has poured our blood and hearts into this game, so we hope you’re excited for it, and we hope it moves you just as much as it’s moved us!
Penny Blood Hellbound Roadmap
The main goal of releasing the game into Closed Beta now that we have enough content is to get as much feedback as possible from our most supportive fans--backers like you! There are two ways you can provide feedback. In the main menu you'll find a link to a Google Form that asks some basic questions. We'll also have a Closed Beta channel in Discord as a secondary feedback option. We'll use your feedback to tweak the experience before we enter into Early Access some time in February 2024. Here's a quick look at the current roadmap:
Campaign Updates
Backerkit Store - Paypal
Since we have entered the holiday season we want to allow more people the chance to pre-order Penny Blood or Armed Fantasia so we are planning to enable the PayPal purchasing option in BackerKit. However, there are important steps to follow due to the intricacies of integrating PayPal, especially since Kickstarter does not support it directly.
Please note, if you're using PayPal to purchase something via the Double Kickstarter pre-order store, fill out your survey until the payment step and do not finalize it. You'll be charged once the shipping costs are confirmed. This process ensures your order is correctly processed. For Penny Blood Hellbound's store since everything is digital you can disregard this step.
Survey Update
This is also the time where we are going to fix the ongoing survey bugs that have plagued us since we first launched the survey. These are the fixes:
・We have adjusted the [Both Games - Combo Physical and Digital] survey questions to accurately reflect the correct choices now. If you have chosen that reward please help us by adjusting your survey via the link below.
・Please adjust your survey to change your Discord ID from the old format to the new format if you use a new unique discord name now instead of the old format with the four numbers at the end.
・We have altered one question to ask backers if we could send them information about other Japanese campaigns in the future (probably once every two years or so). This is only to help other Japanese creators since it's a small industry and we are all trying to learn from and help each other. If you are OK with this, please adjust your survey to answer yes to that survey question.
Please help us adjust your survey by going here and re-completing it:
The security for the role dispersal bot has created some headaches so the fastest way for us to supply your role is to have you go in and re-complete your survey. We apologize for this extra step but it will be the last time we need to make this request.
Discord Renewal For Penny Blood
In order to incorporate new backers into the community, we are taking a page out of other major Japanese Kickstarters to implement new content for the discord:
・New Penny Blood Hellbound Channels:
・New emojis based on the main characters in Penny Blood Hellbound (coming next Friday)
・A fan-vote channel to replace the old character-vote channel
Penny Blood Hellbound FAQ
Q1) Why create a companion game?
A1) We talked with Natsume Atari who were fans of the IP. Other Kickstarters have released companion games so that backers have a title to play while they are waiting for the main game, and we thought it was a great idea.
Q2) Why did you wait until now to announce this title?
A2) We wanted to give Natsume Atari the chance to develop the core of the game and allow backers the chance to play the game sooner rather than waiting an extended period of time after announcing it.
Q3) Why isn’t this a JRPG?
A3) RPGs are asset heavy and quite expensive to produce. Besides, the main game is a JRPG, so why do the same thing twice? Natsume Atari excels at action games, so being able to present a different gameplay experience with the same IP of Penny Blood made more sense. Hopefully it will bring in new fans into the series too!
Q4) Are funds from the Kickstarter being used to develop this title?
A4) No. All funds from the original Kickstarter are being used on the main game: Penny Blood. This game, Penny Blood: Hellbound, is largely being developed through the sweat equity of Natsume Atari with directorial oversight by Yukikaze/Studio Wild Rose. This is only possible through indies helping indies.
Q5) Who is the publisher on this?
A5) It will be Natsume Atari. It’s great to work with another developer because the terms are fair. As we continue to talk with other publishers about Penny Blood, we have been told this game and hopefully its success will be seen as another reason why Penny Blood is a viable title.
Q6) Do I get any benefit for being a backer?
A6) Penny Blood Hellbound is its own game. Since it still costs money to develop we need to ask backers to purchase it via the backer store for a discounted price. Any backer who purchases this via Backerkit will get a code to participate in the closed Backer Beta starting from December 14th.
Q7) When do non backers get a chance to play the game?
A7) Upon receiving feedback from backers playing the closed Backer Beta, we will adjust the game and plan to release it into Early Access. Many roguelikes have highly benefited from this kind of a release structure since it allows the developers to get initial feedback from the core fans and then get more feedback from non-fans as well to improve the game where possible. As we want to give all backers a value-add, the Early Access price will be slightly higher.
Backerkit Questions:
Q8) I purchased a premium reward but didn’t get asked for my name/pet/parting line/etc. When will that happen?
A8) We’ll reaching out to each E-mail individually some time in Feb-Mar 2024 to work with you on the contents of the premium reward.
Q9) When the title switches over to Early Access or PC Full Release will I have to buy it again?
A9) No, you will continue to be able to play the game as it continues through its development phases.
Q10) Will this be on consoles?
A10) We currently have no announcement about a console version.
Development Updates
All of a sudden, the days have gotten shorter, and we can feel the temperature difference with our bodies more and more as time goes on. We hope you’re all in good health.
A main staff member will be bringing you this month’s report instead of Kaneko.
ARMED FANTASIA November 2023 Project Diary
Hello, everyone. I’m Ishii, the chief director of Armed Fantasia. We’re working hard to reach our monthly development goes, but since the people sitting diagonally to the right of me and directly in front of me are very busy working to complete the goals that are due by the end of this year, and I “look less busy by comparison,” I’m going to write this month’s report.
-Towns and dungeons
We’re working on brushing up Lostave, the town where Ingram’s childhood home is, while aiming to complete our end-of-the-year goals. More and more work is being done on the landscapes, so the resolution of the world is increasing with every new day.
Regarding Lostave… It’s a place where people who excavate massive ruins ended up gathering and turned into a sort of settlement at some point, making it a town that embodies the westernpunk characteristics of Armed Fantasia. The combination of the Western-style buildings and giant mining machines make it unique.
It’s sad that we can only show it to you through text rather than images at this moment, but I think the visuals we’re working on are going to be pretty exciting, so I hope you’re all looking forward to it.
-Battle screen UI
Battles in Armed Fantasia have a ton of elements to them, so we’ve been doing a lot of trial and error regarding the UI and what to keep vs. what to exclude. Thanks to all our hard work, we’re finally seeing the light in the tunnel.
In addition to that, Kaneko’s sense of aesthetics says that the text info should be as large as possible, which has caused our UI people to work very hard.
-Main Scenario
As I mentioned earlier, the two people in charge of this are very busy. Sometimes I hear them saying inappropriate things, such as “it’s a battle so big it’ll change the entire landscape,” which makes me fear for what’s yet to come. They aren’t thinking about the future at all.
As far as work status goes, things are still being written. But the progress is going well, and Kaneko has started working on scenes for the last dungeon.
That isn’t enough text to make for a proper update, however, so this time I’d like to try and explain how I go about creating storyboards.
First I thoroughly read the scenario, then pick up several points based on the images that surfaced in my head. Then, based on that, I stare intently at the background documents, thinking of cuts that will tie everything together and create the scenes.
As for the actual work, the length can be adjusted, but no detailed editing work needs to be done, so the composition mostly gets decided based on the storyboard alone.
If you want information on various direction techniques, it might be better to read technical books on the subject, but I think that as long as I prioritize my focus on what the scene is supposed to convey to the player, everything more or less comes to me.
Game event storyboards are more lenient when it comes to length compared to anime or movie storyboards, but there are a lot of things that can’t be created easily due to asset problems, so having a bit of knowledge regarding game production can help there.
The real difficulty regarding transforming Kaneko’s scenarios into storyboards is that every scene has a lot of content to them. All of the elements are interesting of course…they’re just very dense, I suppose would be the right word. Whenever I try to put everything together, I get lots of images in my head, but they sometimes end up being too costly, and so on and so forth. I spend a lot of time racking my brains trying to figure out what to cut and what to keep in order to turn it into an amount of work that the designers can actually handle.
When things get to be too much, I go to Kaneko and ask him something like “What do you think about…(cutting a specific piece of content)?”
In most cases, he either says “Hmm… But it’s entertaining, isn’t it?” or “It’s good, though,” and I end up having to go back to my seat and stare up at the ceiling.
Just the other day, we had a conversation like that regarding a certain scene in the prologue. If you try to think about what it was like before the scene was finally created or how it was originally written as you play the game, my hard work may yet be rewarded.
Incidentally, whenever Kaneko’s name is credited for scenario writing, he properly checks every element of the art related to the scenario outside of the storyboards as well.
We’ve finished all the designs for the weapons used by both enemies and allies.
In this game, excluding the incredible energy source known as the Lacrima Drive, the weapons all have rather secure constructions to them, which makes us want exact scale props.
-Kaiju (Anomalies)
This month, we’re revealing the elephant to you. Its name is Grootslang.
Cute, isn’t it? Children love it.
Honestly, it actually took us quite a bit of effort to hone in on the right image for Grootslang. With elephants, the form alone makes it look like an elephant, so I remember only ending up with nothing but an elephant and cradling my head in my hands in front of the order for a while. I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts when you actually run into this kaiju in-game.
↑Grootslang from the front
↑Grootslang from the back
That concludes this month’s report.
There’s only one month left of this year, but we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for continuing to cheer Armed Fantasia on for the rest of 2023.
Penny Blood Project Diary
Good evening, everyone. Machida here, who just spilled cola on his keyboard. Despite quickly wiping it away, the liquid used its dark power to invade the insides of the mechanism, so now my keystrokes all feel really sticky. At this point, it’s a battle of whether or not I can finish writing this comment before the stickiness prevents them from moving at all.
Now then, time to get back on topic and report on this month’s Penny Blood project news. We’re still negotiating things with publishers. We made a very big announcement tonight, and several publishers have told us that they’re “interested in seeing how the Penny Blood IP (Hellbound) is received,” so we believe that the quality of the companion game will greatly influence how easy it is for us to move on to the next step.
Still, we’ve reached the limit of the budget that would allow us to maintain our current production cycle, so in order to keep from giving up on Penny Blood, Studio Wild Rose is thinking about trying some other things. Some of you may be thinking “What, you’re still hiding some aces up your sleeve?!” But I intend to use the time at the end of this year to carefully plot some strategies.
Now, I’d like to get into the meat of this month’s update and talk about the new art. First, we have a new monster drawn by Hanya-san: Ainsel. A cute little girl and her monstrous mother who hides behind her in the shadows. This monster appears in multiple folktales around Europe, so I had him arrange a Penny Blood version of it. Also, while he was in the middle of drawing this, he also posted art of Gepetto & Cornelia from Shadow Hearts II, which confirms that Hanya-san’s either a full-fledged lolicon or moncon. (What the heck is a moncon?)
Next, you may help yourself to a new image board drawn by Watanabe-san: The castle of Schwarzes Rosen. It’s a castle somewhere in Germany that’s partly gone to ruin. Creepy yet beautiful, Matthew and his companions visit this castle after receiving intel that an equally beautiful songstress vampire has recently begun to inhabit it.
That concludes the art that we have for the main game. Lastly, we’ll be doing a special reveal of a hidden character that Kato-san drew.
Her name is Clara. She is the main character of Penny Blood: Hellbound, and a member of the Hellhounders. She’s a braver and more chivalrous warrior than any man, and she’s also got a wild, flashy sense of style. She uses the magic power she was born with to manipulate malice and crush all the monsters who dare to stand in her way. According to Kato-san, she designed Clara as a character too crazy to include in the main game.
While the production of Penny Blood will be slowed for a bit, we intend to keep moving forward with unwavering hope and love, so I hope you’ll all watch over us with the same amount of warmth as always. Once there’s a new development in the production of the main game, we’ll be sure to inform you all. Until then, we intend to provide you with more news on Penny Blood: Hellbound from the next update onwards.
See you all next month!
Matsuzo Machida
Message from Hirota-san
Good evening, everyone.
All of a sudden, winter’s here! It felt like summer was a lot longer this year, so I’d been wearing light clothes the whole time…but I’m definitely cold now! Until yesterday, I had to keep the AC on to cut down on the machine heat in my studio, but now I can finally feel comfortable with it turned off. Please be careful that you don’t catch a cold.
This month’s update contains a very important announcement.
After developing the Walkthrough version, and struggling with the difficulties that come with having to make ends meet despite the game not immediately finding a publisher, we were approached with the idea to create a game featuring the villains of Penny Blood.
The story of this game exists in the same timeline as Penny Blood. So in terms of matching up the music to the gameplay, since it possesses a similar atmosphere, it can serve as a place to test out the type of sound I’m aiming to achieve in Penny Blood.
I’m trying a lot of new things with the sound mechanics for Penny Blood, so I knew it would involve a lot of trial and error either way. This may sound strange, but honestly when I first heard about this game, I was just happy that I might be able to use it as a way to experiment.
Penny Blood: Hellbound focuses on what the villains were up to before Penny Blood, and composing songs for it actually greatly changed my image for the main game.
After thoroughly reading through the design documents, I thought of someone who would be perfect as a guest composer for Penny Blood: Hellbound - Noriyuki Iwadare, and reached out to him.
When you think of the games he’s worked on thus far, you may think of adventure-centric games with more “juvenile” atmospheres aimed at young people, but I felt that the speedy nature of his music as well as his own desire to try something new really stand out among the crowd.
Looking back, I’ve actually known Noriyuki Iwadare since the time when I was working on Shadow Hearts. It all started when he introduced my soundtrack in a column in a game magazine that he was in charge of, despite never having met me. At the time, Shadow Hearts had just come out and wasn’t very well-known, so I remember being really happy since it was the first title I was able to work on as a main composer.
After that, we worked together on an album for an artist named Haruka Shimotsuki, and were even able to go on stage together during a concert at the historic Nippon Seinenkan, before it was moved. He’s been a very good friend to me both in business and private areas in many other ways as well. Recently, we haven’t been in touch that often, but thankfully he agreed to participate in this project, so I’m very happy to be working with him again.
All of a sudden, I’m nearing the culmination of my work on the soundtrack for Penny Blood: Hellbound. I’ve been learning a lot of different sound techniques at a far faster speed than when I was only working on Penny Blood, and I think I’ll be able to make use of it all in the main game as well.
I am prepared to continue working on Penny Blood with the exact same amount of passion, so I hope you’ll all continue to cheer us on.
ユキカゼ/スタジオワイルドローズ X ナツメアタリが、PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUNDを発表します!
PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUNDは、『PENNY BLOOD』の世界観をベースにしたローグライトコンパニオンゲームです。ナツメアタリが開発の中核を担い、スタジオワイルドローズがコンセプト設計とクリエイティブ全般のディレクションを行うなど、インディーズ魂で開発されている作品です。特徴は以下の通り:
・『PENNY BLOOD』でマシューとその仲間たちの行く手を阻もうとする敵の悪党集団、ヘルハウンダーズとしてプレイ。
・作曲は弘田佳孝、ゲストコンポーザーとして『LUNAR ザ・シルバースター』や『グランディア』で有名な岩垂徳行も参加。
そうした中、2022年の暮れ頃だったと記憶しています。あきらめかけていたタイミングでナツメアタリさんから声をかけられ、現在開発しているローグライク・ゲームにPENNY BLOOD のIPを載せるのはどうか? というご相談をいただきました。
こうして本格的に制作がスタートしてからというもの、PENNY BLOOD : HELLBOUNDのディレクターである古川さんをはじめ現場のスタッフたちは驚くほどの情熱をもってゲームの開発を進めてくださいました。その結晶が形となって本日公表できたことは、私たちにとってもPENNY BLOOD にとっても非常に大きな一歩です。
PENNY BLOOD に登場するヴィランズたちヘルハウンダーズが大活躍するローグライク・ゲーム『PENNY BLOOD : HELLBOUND』に、どうぞ、ご期待ください。
本日は PENNY BLOOD : HELLBOUND を皆さまにお伝えできることを大変うれしく思っております。
本作は、PENNY BLOOD のコンパニオンゲームになります。PENNY BLOODのすばらしい世界観、魅力あふれるキャラクターを余すところなくプレイヤーの皆さまにお伝えできるよう、チーム一丸となって取り組んで参りました。
「百英雄伝 Rising」ではアクションが苦手なプレイヤーの皆さまでも楽しくプレイできるものを目指しておりました。「百英雄伝 Rising」の開発を通じて大変良い経験ができましたし、おかげ様で評価も頂きました。また、あらためて「操作性」と「気持ちの良いアクション」の重要性を再認識しました。この経験を活かし、ローグライクアクションの醍醐味を最大限に引き出せたかと思います。
ホリデーシーズンに入りました! より多くの皆様のお手にとっていただけるよう、「Paypal」を採用する準備を進めています。採用されれば『PENNY BLOOD』と『ARMED FANTASIA』のプリオーダー方法を拡張することができます。ただし、PayPalの追加作業は込み入ったものであり、特にKickstarterで直接サポートされていないため、導入にあたって重要な手順を踏まなければないようです。お待ちいただけますようお願いいたします。
重要なお願い:ダブルキックスターターストアにおいて、PayPalで支払う予定がある場合は、発送に必要な情報の記入までしていただき、支払い情報は入力しないでおいてください。送料が確定された後に請求が行われます。この形で進めていただけると、注文が問題なく処理されるはずです。PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUNDのストアの場合は、すべての商品がデジタルのため、このステップは不要です。
・[Both Games パッケージ版とデジタル版のコンボ] に関する質問を調整し、正しい選択を正確に反映できるようにしました。このリワードを選択された方は、下記のリンクから再度サーベイにアクセスし、回答の修正にご協力ください。
・Discord IDを旧形式(最後に数字が4桁入っているもの)で入力されていた方は、新しい形式のお名前を記入してください。
・『PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND』のメインキャラクターをモチーフにした新しい絵文字
A1) まずは、このIPのファンであったナツメアタリとお話をしました。他のKickstarterでも、ゲーム本編を待っている間、バッカー様が遊べるタイトルとしてコンパニオンゲームをリリースすることがあって、とても良いアイディアだと思いました。
Q2) なぜこのタイトルの情報を、発表のタイミングまで公開しなかったのですか?
A2) 公表までにナツメアタリにゲームの核となる部分を開発するチャンスを与えたかったことと、発表から長期間待つことなく、バッカーの皆さまにすぐにゲームをプレイしていただきたかったからです。
Q3) なぜJRPGではないのですか?
A3) RPGはアセットが多く、制作費がかなりかかります。それに、ゲーム本編はJRPGなので、こちらもRPGでは重なる部分が多いと考えました。ナツメアタリはアクションゲームを得意としていますし、PENNY BLOOD という同じIPでも異なるゲームプレイ体験を提示できる方が理にかなっています。シリーズに新しいファンを取り込めることも期待しています!
Q4) Kickstarterの資金は本作の開発に使われているのでしょうか?
A4) いいえ、Kickstarterの資金はすべて『PENNY BLOOD』本編に使われています。この作品、『PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND』はナツメアタリが汗水を流し開発し、ユキカゼ/スタジオワイルドローズが監修をしているゲームです。これはインディーズがインディーズを支援することによってのみ可能だったわけです。
Q5) パブリッシャーはどこですか?
A5) ナツメアタリです。条件において公平な関係性ですので、このように他のデベロッパーと仕事ができるのは素晴らしいことです。『PENNY BLOOD』については別のパブリッシャーと対話を続けている中で、『PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND』とその成功が、『PENNY BLOOD』が有力なタイトルであるもう一つの理由になれば、という話が出ているので、私たちもそう願っています。
Q6) バッカーですが、何か特典はありますか?
A6) 『PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND』は独立したゲームです。開発費がかかるため、バッカー様にはバッカーストアを通じて割引価格で購入していただく必要があります。Backerkit経由で購入していただくバッカー様には、12月14日から始まる、バッカー限定のクローズドベータ版に参加するためのコードを発行いたします。
Q7) 非バッカーもこのゲームをプレイできますか?
A7) クローズドベータ版をプレイしたバッカー様からのフィードバックをいただいて、ゲームを調整した後にアーリーアクセス版をリリースする予定です。多くのローグライクゲームがこのようなリリース方式を採用しており、開発者がまずはコアなファンからフィードバックを得て、その後ファン以外からもフィードバックを得ることで、可能な限りゲームを改善することができます。すべてのバッカー様に特別な価値を提供させていただきたいので、アーリーアクセス版の価格はベータ版より若干高くなります。ご了承ください。
Q8) プレミアム・リワードを購入しましたが、名前、ペット、セリフなどに関する連絡が来なかったです。いつになりますか?
A8) 2024年2月から3月にかけて、各メールに個別にプレミアム特典ついて連絡をさせていただきます。
Q9) 本作品がアーリーアクセスまたはPCフルリリースに切り替わったら、また購入しなければなりませんか?
A9) いいえ、開発フェーズの継続に伴い、引き続きゲームをプレイすることができます。
Q10) 各プラットフォームのリリースはありますか?
A10) 現在のところ、PC版以外の告知はありません。
『ARMED FANTASIA』2023年11月プロジェクト月報
皆さん、こんにちは。『ARMED FANTASIA』のチーフディレクター、石井です。
『ARMED FANTASIA』の特徴であるウェスタンパンクを体現する町となっています。
『ARMED FANTASIA』のバトルですが、なかなかに要素が多く、表示情報の取捨選択とUIの検討を何度も繰り返していました。
2023年も『ARMED FANTASIA』を熱く応援していただいて、心から感謝しております。
『PENNY BLOOD』プロジェクト日記
では気を取り直して、今月もPENNYBLOOD プロジェクトの進捗を報告させていただきます。
現在もパブリッシャー様との交渉が継続中です。今夜は大きな発表がありましたが、「PENNY BLOODのIPもの(HELLBOUND)がどう評価されるか見極めたい」とおっしゃるパブリッシャー様の声もありますので、コンパニオンゲームのできが良ければ良いほど次のステップに進みやすくなると信じています。
とは言え、本編の制作を維持するための予算も尽きているのが実状なので、この先はPENNY BLOOD をあきらめないためにもスタジオワイルドローズはもっと他のことにもチャレンジして行こうと考えています。「おまえまだ何か隠しダマ持ってんのか!?」と推理する方もいるかもしれませんが、それは年末の時間を使ってじっくりと策を練ってみるつもりです。
まずは半谷さんの描いたモンスター、エインセルから。可愛い少女とその陰に潜む化物となった母親のモンスターです。ヨーロッパのあちこちで民話になっている怪物をPB版にアレンジしてもらいました。これを描いている最中に時を同じくして、X(旧Twitter)に投稿した SHADOW HEARTS II のゼペット&コーネリアを描いていたのだから、半谷さんが正真正銘のロリコンかモンコンなのは確実です。(何だモンコンて?)
その名はクララ。PENNY BLOOD : HELLBOUND の主人公にしてヘルハウンダーズの一員です。男顔負けの義侠心を持つ、はっちゃけたギャル戦士の彼女は、生まれ持った魔術の才能でマリスを操り派手にモンスターをぶちのめします。加藤さんいわく本編には出せないぶっ飛んだキャラを意識してデザインしたそうです。
PENNY BLOOD 本編の制作は少しゆっくりとした進行となりますが、私たちは揺るがない希望と愛情を持って進んで行きますので、これからも温かく見守っていてください。
本編の制作で進展があったときはすぐ皆さんにお知らせします。それまでの間、次回のアップデートからは PENNY BLOOD : HELLBOUND について新情報をお伝えして行きます。
町田 松三
Walkthrough版の開発以降、なかなかパブリッシャーが決まらないことで自分の会社を運営する立場としても悩んでいたところ、PENNY BLOODの悪役たちを使ったゲームを作らないかという話を頂きました。
そのゲームのストーリーは、PENNY BLOODの世界線と同じ。ということは、音楽に関してゲーム性には合わせるにしても、ほとんど同じ世界観で作れるし、なにより、PENNY BLOODでやろうとしているサウンドの仕様を試せる!というメリットを感じました。
PENNY BLOODでやろうとしているサウンドの仕組みは、私にとって初挑戦のことが多く、どのみちたくさんの試行錯誤が必要だと考えていました。言い方は悪いですが、その実験を出来るならとても嬉しい、というのが、話を頂いた時の正直な気持ちでした。
"PENNY BLOOD HELLBOUND"は、悪役たちの前日譚が主軸となっているので、その作曲を進めるうちに、本編であるPENNY BLOODのイメージも大きく変わってきました。
その開発資料を熟読する中で、この人を"PENNY BLOOD HELLBOUND"のゲスト作曲家としてお迎えしたら良いのでは、と考えてオファーしたのは、岩垂徳行さんです。
振り返れば岩垂さんとは、SHADOW HEARTS の頃からのお付き合いがあります。面識の無かった私のサウンドトラックをご自身の担当しているゲーム雑誌のコラムで紹介して頂きました。当時、SHADOW HEARTSは初出で知名度はなく、私も初のメイン作曲家担当のタイトルでしたのでとても嬉しかったのを覚えています。
あっという間に、"PENNY BLOOD HELLBOUND"のサウンド制作は佳境を迎えています。PENNY BLOODだけ制作していた頃より凄まじいスピードで様々なゲームサウンドの技術を習得しています。全てはもれなく本編のPENNY BLOODに還元されていくかと思います。
PENNY BLOODも変わらぬ熱量で制作して行く覚悟ですので、変わらぬご支援、応援を頂ければとても嬉しいです。