Welcome to the Penny Blood: Hellbound pre-order store! You can pre-order Penny Blood: Hellbound as well as some premium rewards here. Everyone who pre-orders or purchases via the Backerkit store receives the limited edition Closed Beta Backer Emblem. If you have purchased something from the Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood Kickstarter or Backerkit Pre-order store you are eligible for a discount so please choose the “Backer Discount” version. If this is your first time purchasing anything related to Armed Fantasia or Penny Blood, please choose the “New backer” option or you can visit the original Double Kickstarter Backerkit Pre-order store here.
If you back a game there you are eligible for the Pre-exisitng Backer discount. Please visit the Closed Beta Google Form in-game to provide feedback and help us make the best game possible.
Penny Blood: Hellbound features:
・Play as the Hellhounders - the rival group of baddies that try to thwart Matthew and friends at their every turn in Penny Blood.
・Roguelike gameplay where each run provides a plethora of unlocks, power-ups, and new skills as you march forward towards the final confrontation.
・The Malice System where the more blood you spill, the more currency you earn for unlocks
・Blood spilt also allows for better mobility via "bloodsurfing" where you can unleash stronger momentum-based attacks and skill-based upgrades
・Strategize your run well by choosing the best pair of Hellhounders out of a total 6 selectable characters that you can swap between in real-time
・Music by Yoshitaka Hirota with guest composer Noriyuki Iwadare of Lunar and Grandia fame
ようこそ、「PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND」予約ストアへ!ここでは、「PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND」と、プレミアムリワードの予約ができます。バッカーキットから予約、または購入された皆様には、バッカー向けベータ版の限定エンブレムをプレゼントいたします。また、すでに「ARMED FANTASIA」と「PENNY BLOOD」のダブルキックスターターやバッカーキット予約ストアにて購入済みのものがある方には、割引特典が適用されますので、予約時に「Backer Discount」版の選択をお願いいたします。今回が「ARMED FANTASIA」または「PENNY BLOOD」関連で初めてのお買い物の皆様は、「New backer」を選んでいただきますようお願いいたします。また、ダブルキックスターターのバッカーキット予約ストアでどちらかのタイトルをご購入されましたら、割引が適用されます。是非、限定ベータ版Google Formにてフィードバックをご提供いただき、ベストなゲームを作れるよう力を貸していただけると幸いです。
・『PENNY BLOOD』でマシューとその仲間たちの行く手を阻もうとする敵の悪党集団、ヘルハウンダーズとしてプレイ。
・作曲は弘田佳孝、ゲストコンポーザーとして『LUNAR ザ・シルバースター』や『グランディア』で有名な岩垂徳行も参加。
Latest Updates from Our Project:
February 2025 Update!
21 days ago
– Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 03:13:43 AM
Hello there JRPG fans!
We have another update for both games below. Thank you for your patience while we needed some extra time to prepare the update.
Development Update
It’s February! It’s Setsubun! It’s Valentine’s Day! Japanese events during this month are all food-based, involving beans, ehou-maki, and chocolate. Just walking through the supermarket reminds us that Spring is near.
Still, the cold hasn’t left us yet, so I hope you are all taking care of yourselves. This month’s update is brought to you from Ishii.
Armed Fantasia February 2025 Project News
Chief Director Ishii here.
It’s February now. Right now in front of my eyes, two older men are seriously arguing about how the anomalies should be split up within the world. This will eventually be decided in detail so that similar-looking anomalies don’t appear one after another based on appearance region and how the story unfolds, but it also depends a lot on the individuality of the people who actually place them, so I can’t wait to see what happens.
Oh no, I heard some foreboding words just now. “We don’t have enough anomalies!”
Introducing Some Dungeon Puzzle Gimmicks
Since this game will be a spiritual successor to Wild Arms, the dungeon puzzles that players solve using the characters’ gadgets will be one of its unique features. We’re planning many diverse puzzles to help you enjoy exploration, but at the same time, they’ll also serve as serious brain-teasers. I feel like these sorts of elements have sort of disappeared in recent games compared to how things used to be, but that may be due to development cost-related reasons as well from a desire to not want to stress out players.
Armed Fantasia will be full of proper puzzles, so we hope you’re looking forward to it. Here, I’d like to introduce two different switches: Impact Switches and Throwing Switches, along with their design art.
Impact Switch
The first one is the Impact Switch. Dealing an impact to it will activate the switch, which could result in various things: doors opening, floors moving, etc. We’ve designed it so that it’ll stand out while also not looking too out of place in any dungeon.
All this switch needs is an impact, so Ingram’s bomb gadget that we introduced previously could be used to activate it, along with several other gadgets.
These will be parts of common puzzles that appear: multiple switches may need to be activated at the same time, or in a certain order, etc. On top of that, they may appear in places that you can’t seem to be able to reach, so we’re confident they’ll make you think in various ways. You might even be able to use some fallen debris to activate some of them…
Here’s how we envision this switch to work.
We still haven’t put in the details yet, but I like how you can instantly tell at a single glance whether it’s activated or not.
Projectile Switch
The second thing I’d like to show off is the Projectile Switch. These can be activated using projectiles for various results. We designed this switch so it’ll be easy to recognize from a distance. Unlike impact switches, these will be attached to walls and might be easier to miss. I recommend keeping your eyes peeled in dungeons where these appear.
Since projectiles activate them, it’ll be possible to hit them with various different gadgets…but we’re still discussing whether the Anchor Hook will be categorized as a projectile or not. These switches will be easy to activate once you’ve found them, but they require you to think outside the box in the second half of the game. For example, you may need to knock something down with a gadget and use that as a projectile to activate a switch.
Here’s how we envision this switch to work.
Similar to the previous switch, I like how you can instantly tell at a single glance whether it’s activated or not.
Dungeon Puzzles Rules
So,how did you like the two switches? They’re classic elements of dungeon puzzles, so we’re going to try and be clever with our placement to make the game even more fun.
Finally, we’ve set a rule for ourselves where we won’t require players to busily combine gadgets, such as using Gadget B while you’re already using Gadget A to do something, since that would make the gameplay too action-based. Similarly, you won’t be able to use gadgets while jumping.
However, we will allow puzzles where you’ll have to first interact with a gimmick using Gadget A and then use Gadget B on the gimmick afterwards, so the second half of the game will probably require you to combine gadgets in various ways. We hope you’re looking forward to it.
Now then, I’m going to start working on the designs of the anomalies that were just ordered, so that’ll be it for this update. See you next month.
◆2025.02.14 PENNY BLOOD Project Diary
Good evening, everyone. Today is Valentine's Day, so has Hanya-san has a new illustration to present to you all. Many charming female characters appear in Penny Blood, but today's art features Emilia, the heroine.
Recently, Japan has been experiencing the biggest nationwide cold spell in the past several years, and Niigata, where we live, has been seeing snowstorms every day. I don't think we've seen this much snow since we moved here from Tokyo in 2022, three years ago. Peaceful winters are nice, of course, but there are some views that can only be enjoyed midst raging snow. We try to look for things to enjoy like that as we proceed with our work day after day.
Studio WildRose is currently putting their blood, sweat and tears into the second volume of the Penny Blood Inheritors Stories. The plots for the second halves of the stories are coming together, and we're finally seeing where the climaxes will lead. As the writers work their hardest to fold up everything they've unraveled, the illustrators are also skillfully working on the illustrations. I'm sure that everyone's efforts will culminate into some great entertainment in this upcoming set of enthralling stories.
January 2025 Update
about 2 months ago
– Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 02:52:14 AM
Happy New Year JRPG fans!
We hope you had a chance to relax over the holidays and play some video games as well!
Development Update
2025 has begun.
In Japan, a TV program called “Yuku-toshi Kuru-toshi” is broadcast at the end of the year.
The program features live broadcasts of New Year's celebrations throughout the country, and you can see the “Joya no Kane” bell being rung and people doing the special “Ni-nen mairi” shrine visits at shrines and temples in various regions.
Every time I watch this program, I’m reminded that Japan has various climates.
While the air is dry in Tokyo, the Sea of Japan side of the country receives moist air from the continent and experiences heavy snowfall every winter, which is a rarity throughout the world. According to some statistics, the top three cities in the world in terms of snowfall and snow accumulation are all located in Japan!
May 2025 be a good year for you. The first monthly report of this year is from Sekiya.
Armed Fantasia January 2025 Project Diary
Director Sekiya here. I hope you’ll all continue cheering us on throughout 2025.
If we were still in the Showa Era this year, and things had never changed to Heisei or Reiwa, it would be Showa Year 100. (Sorry if this intro seems odd to people overseas.)
Incidentally, the 100th year of the Showa era is the year in which the film “NEGADON - the Monster from Mars” is set. So, for the first time in over 20 years, I pulled out the DVD from my video software shelf and watched it as my first film this year. Every little detail, from the Japanese retro-futuristic cinematography to the gimmicks of the giant robot MI-6 that fights Negadon are all filled with the director’s unique sensibility, so I enjoyed watching it even now.
I have to confess, though, that every staff member was really busy at the end of last year, so I don’t really have much material to report on this month.
We would have loved to have prepared a New Year's illustration, but we were unable to coordinate that with our illustrator. So at the very least, hoping it can serve as an apology, here is a high model image of a snake-esque anomaly that matches the Chinese zodiac animal for this year, called the Ukonvasara. It kind of looks like a good luck charm, right?
(By the way, why did Mr. Kaneko name this design “Ukonvasara”?)
For this update, I’ll be delivering an assortment of little tidbits to you.
Chest Design
This is what the treasure chests in the field will look like.
You may think they look simple, like what anyone could imagine a treasure chest to look like, but there's actually a long history leading up to this design.
The worldview of “ARMED FANTASIA” is rather sci-fi oriented, and filled with shiny mechanical props, so the treasure chests were also initially designed to match that aesthetic. However, when we placed them in those mechanical dungeons, they blended in with the background more than we wanted them to, making it hard for players to tell whether they'd found a chest or a mechanism, so we did away with the mechanical designs.
When you find a treasure chest, it's more exciting if you can tell it's a chest at first glance, so we decided it would be better if it was designed in a way that it would stick out when placed in a variety of locations. That's how we ended up with this design, which would look right at home in a medieval fantasy setting. Incidentally, there are three grades of chests, and you'll need the right keys to access the contents of blue and red ones.
Oh, and here's some more treasure chest-related information.
The mimic that appeared in the “Wild Arms” series will also appear in this title. However, the design has been completely redesigned, making it quite unique.
When the draft was submitted, the office became filled with excitement. “We've never seen a mimic like this before!" I want everyone to feel the impact we felt when seeing it for the first time, so I won't reveal it here. Man, the anomalies that Ishii-san designs are so goofy! (Compliment)
We also want design lines with a different atmosphere for other anomalies, so in addition to Ishii-san, our main designer, several other designers are involved in this project. This Barometz is an anomaly designed by bee tribe.
According to Kaneko-san's orders, it was supposed to be “A floating sheep with twisted horns. In addition to its deformed body shape, it's also fluffy and soft. In actual battles, it is a troublesome enemy that spreads various debuffs. Only at the moment of a powerful attack can someone see how dangerous its true nature is."
The fact that its natural expression changes drastically when it's attacking is one of its unique points.
You may be able to imagine this from what its name is based on, but although this anomaly looks like a sheep, it's categorized as a plant-type. (Incidentally, the other sheep-esque anomalies that appear as palette swaps are categorized as wild beasts.)
There was also one more comment that Kaneko-san sent to the battle team as an additional note. "It tastes like vegetables when eaten." But that has absolutely no effect on the game at the moment...
Scenario Adjustments
We are constantly adding depth to the text by adding more character information, supplementing story development, etc. Kaneko-san and I have been tinkering around with the text, and sometimes it affects the event planning, which makes Ishii-san angry. However, I would like to continue this work for as long as I can.
In the main character's party, Sigurd is the quiet type, the type who stands in the background with his arms crossed. He lets the youngsters take the lead and doesn't assert himself, so sometimes we find that only Strische is paying attention to him. So we've adjusted things so that Ingram and other party members speak to him of their own accord and pull him into things so that he doesn't get left on his own. But when facing strong enemies, he sometimes goes all-out in true 'chuuni' fashion, so he's a pretty complicated character from a creator's point of view.
Battle Adjustments
Battles also continue to be tweaked in regards to the overall direction of difficulty.
We keep asking ourselves, how difficult should we make the boss enemies and other event battles?
It comes down to the taste of the person in charge, or up to how concerned we decide to make ourselves about modern players, or how attached we are to the anomalies that appear in the game. Even if we leave the parameters the same, the balance of the design can still drastically alter how the game feels to play.
We don't want battles to be one-sided and tasteless, or on the other hand, we don't want battles to always be painful and tedious.
At the moment, we want to maintain that the premise of the game is to use skills and equipment to solve puzzles, so the number of difficult bosses which require serious strategy will be limited to a specific number and placed only at key points in the story in order to make the game more memorable.
From our experience, we know that players always exceed the developers' expectations, so there may not be that much point in trying to force limitations on things.
In the near future, I plan to hold a battle meeting with Hashimoto-san, who is in charge of battles, under the guise of a New Year's party, in order to further refine the content.
That concludes this month’s update. Colds and flus are going around, so we’re trying to take care to not get sick as we continue our daily work.
Please take good care of yourselves as well. See you next month.
Penny Blood Report
Good evening, everyone. The staff behind Penny Blood Inheritors Story Vol. 1 is overjoyed to see how all its readers have been enjoying it. We will keep doing our best to improve the value of Penny Blood content.
It's now available on Kindle. Follow the stories of inheritors as they battle abominations in the shadows of modern history.
PENNY BLOOD Inheritors Story Vol. 1 English Version
Please search using this name on the Amazon site that corresponds to your country.
We started working on Vol. 2 as soon as this year began, so we hope you're looking forward to it. We hope you will keep supporting us through this year as well.
Matsuzo Machida
Message from Hirota-san
Happy New Year 2025. Thank you for all of your support last year. Thankfully, the complete 1.0 version of Penny Blood Hellbound, for which I had been doing sound work, was released last month. I hope you can all give it a try and enjoy its world of sound to your hearts' content.
To commemorate the release, I posted on Youtube a video of a performance of the Penny Blood Hellbound main theme from my September concert.
Nothing has been decided yet regarding a digital or CD release, but I want to find a way to deliver the soundtrack to you all, so I hope you're looking forward to it.
Regarding the sound work for Penny Blood itself, I hope to make use of the interactive sound technology I built up with this game and research even more so I can deliver an even more unique, high quality soundtrack.
I hope you'll all continue cheering me on.
May you all have a wonderful year filled with good health and happiness.
December 2024 Update
3 months ago
– Fri, Dec 06, 2024 at 02:56:25 AM
Development Update
2024 is coming to an end. Whenever the staff in charge of updates gets a mail from the production team saying “Here’s the text and images for the monthly update,” they’re always shocked to see another month has passed, and now the end of 2024 is here. It went by so quickly.
This year’s last update comes to you from Ishii.
ARMED FANTASIA December 2024 Project Report
Chief Director Ishii here. It’s December. On my way to work, I saw snow decorating Mt. Fuji in the distance, which made me feel like we’re really in the midst of winter now.
Above: A photo of Mt. Fuji in the distance taken with my smartphone
Luckily, it rarely snows near my office, but sometimes it does and public transportation gets paralyzed, which can be a problem.
Seems like people in Londenium won’t need to worry about things like that since the ground is mostly brownish… I wonder if it ever snows there at all?
I thought about checking with Kaneko regarding this issue, but he’s out in a meeting. The holiday rush is no joke, and our deadlines are also approaching. I’ll check with Sekiya instead since our eyes happened to meet.
Ishii: “Question. Are there places in Londenium where it snows?” Sekiya: “Since it’s westernpunk, we have cold locations modeled after Western-esque situations, but how things look visually will ultimately be up to bee tribe. It’d be funny if it snows as much as it did in “The Hateful Eight.” Ishii: “Thank you for the answer. But enough about that, help me out with this month’s project update.” Sekiya: “What’s the theme this time?” Ishii: “We’ll be revealing a bunch of designs of new anomalies!” Sekiya: “Well, the people who like anomalies will enjoy that. But are you sure it’s okay to reveal so many?” Ishii: “We’ll only be revealing the ones that are okay to show. I picked the safest ones at my own discretion. Incidentally, it’ll include some design art that bee tribe hasn’t checked yet.” Sekiya: “No wonder I don’t know some of these.” Ishii: “They’re still under development, so I’ll let people know that we aren’t sure whether or not they’ll all be implemented yet. Anyway, let’s go!”
Ishii: “The first one is the Peluda. According to Kaneko-san’s order report, it’s an ‘ancient dinosaur from French mythology.’ Sekiya: “Looks like a porcupine to me.” Ishii: “True, since it’s supposed to have thorns, we based its design around a porcupine. Also, since it’s supposed to be a ‘natural disaster-level boss,’ we gave it more of a kaiju-centric design’...although, I honestly can’t think of many anomalies who aren’t ‘natural disaster-level’... Sekiya: “I think any model citizen would immediately think of the Tarasque when they hear the words ‘ancient dinosaur from French mythology,’ does this mean a Tarasque will appear in Armed Fantasia as well?” Ishii: “What a shameless question. You already know the answer to that.” Sekiya: “Well, it is a spiritual successor, after all… (making it obvious)” Ishii: “Back to the Peluda, we’ve been seeing a lot of anomaly designs on four legs as of late, so we decided to make it stand on two legs after thinking about the overall balance. It’s cute to see four-legged creatures standing on two legs, isn’t it?” Sekiya: Oh, like how in that famous portrait of Napoleon (Napoleon Crossing the Alps), the horse he’s riding on is standing on two legs?” Ishii: “Wrong. I was talking about Tamanduas and Red pandas… We haven’t seen many kaiju-esque designs like this thus far, so it was fun to draw this one.”
Ishii: “Next up is the Skeleton.” Sekiya: “You didn’t design this one, did you>” Ishii: “It was designed by Yoshida-san, who sometimes draws illustrations for the monthly reports. The name is really hard to translate.” [*Translator’s note: This is because the name in Japanese is ‘sukeruton.’ ‘sukeru’ means transparent, and ‘ton’ is slang for pig, but when put together, it sounds similar to the pronunciation of ‘skeleton.’] Sekiya: “It’s an undead type, and I heard that it’s based on a ‘true story’-type horror movie that Kaneko-san saw when he was a kid. It looks really cute.” Ishii: “Incidentally, Yoshida-san stated its charm point is its tail, which sort of looks like a halo, or a mosquito repellent coil…but I feel like Yoshida-san doesn’t understand the connection between its name and its design. The #buta hash tag seems so decisive, it’s kind of scary…” Sekiya: “Regardless of what Yoshida-san thinks, I’m pretty sure it’s going to be a horrifying anomaly. I asked Hashimoto-san, the battle director, to make it pretty powerful.” Ishii: “Even though it looks like this? If I’d designed it based on that order, it wouldn’t have ended up like this. It’s so fun seeing other people’s designs.” Sekiya: “That reminds me…I feel like the art team once mentioned that they feel Kaneko-san’s idea of what is “cute” is abnormal, but this one’s properly cute, right?” Ishii: “What are you saying?! All of our anomalies are cute!”
Ishii: “Lastly we have the Vodyanoy, which Wild Arms fans should recognize. It’s Kaneko-san’s nemesis, the kappa.” Sekiya: “True, Kaneko-san always puts kappas in all his games.” Ishii: “According to what he told me, he was attacked by a kappa when he was little, when he was at a local river with his friend.” Sekiya: “Maybe that’s why he always puts kappa in his games as enemies…to inform people about how dangerous they are… But perhaps it’s a facet of his past that we’d better not pry into.” Ishii: “The order this time around was to make it look like an unidentified, creepy entity, so I added a lot of alien-esque details to it. I think I managed to give it a humanoid shape but still make it look very alien.” Sekiya: “In previous games it used kenpo, I wonder how it’ll end up in Armed Fantasia.” Ishii: “We’re still working on that. It moves at high speeds by shooting out water jets from the shell on its back.” Sekiya: “So like ‘water boxing’ instead of ‘drunken boxing’? Ishii: I’m sure the designers will improve its design even more when they turn it into a 3D model, so I’m really looking forward to seeing it in action.”
■Thank you for all your support this year
We’ve revealed a total of 10 anomalies so far, including the three in this update. Kaneko has gone out of his way to make sure Armed Fantasia features a ton of different enemy monsters unlike what you usually see in RPGs as of late. We hope you’re looking forward to battling them all!
December has only just begun, but our 2024 project reports end here. It may be a little early to say this, but have a happy new year, and see you all next year.
November 2024 Update
4 months ago
– Fri, Nov 08, 2024 at 03:57:18 AM
Hello JRPG fans!
The weather has become much colder over the past week making us wonder what happened to fall? But there are lots of great seasonal foods like "oden" and "nabe" to look forward to!
Development Update:
The season is quickly approaching late fall and winter is just around the corner.
Speaking of which, how many of you accomplished the goals you set at the beginning of the year?
Some of you may have already forgotten about them. We have two more months left to go, and we want to do our best.
This month's update comes to you from Sekiya.
ARMED FANTASIA, November 2024 Project Monthly Report
Director Sekiya here. We’ve reached November, which some people know as “Thanksgiving month.” No one’s really familiar with that event in Japan, but people are vaguely aware that it exists, along with “Black Friday,” which has become more familiar in the last years.
Recent memory calls to mind the horror film “Thanksgiving,” directed by Eli Roth, which went from a fake trailer to a real movie. The original trailer for “Grindhouse” back in 2007 was also “fake,” but then quickly became a reality. I admire the passion of creators who refuse to let jokes remain as jokes. Speaking of fake trailers, I’m also patiently awaiting the film adaptation of Edgar Wright’s “Don’t.”
Now, this month we’ll be updating you on the progress of Sigurd Geiermeir, a man with a quiet appearance but a passionate heart.
Sigurd’s Cloak Design Adjustments
Armguard: Magnets or duct tape Same material as glove
Here’s a design drawing of Sigurd that has been adjusted since its initial release. There have been detailed changes made that may not be noticeable unless you compare them with the original, but the cloak’s design has clearly changed. This was done to make it easier to use in action parts within the game and also to make it look cool in event scenes.
Costumes with long sleeves tend to interfere with the movement of models, and since all the party characters in ARMED FANTASIA have the ability to equip any ARM, making sure that they can do a variety of motions is turning out to be a more complicated task than we imagined.
After exchanging feedback with bee tribe, we had the designer finish things up with the final design you see here. It may look like just another tattered coat,
Feedback from the verification with Mr. Bee Tribe,
Finally, we asked the designer to put together the design shown here.
It looks like a tattered cloak, but that’s exactly the sort of thing we put time and care into.
Sigurd's Inner Garments
On the right side of the draft, you can see Sigurd’s inner garments. The truth is that during the story, there will be points where Sigurd moves around with his cloak off. Ishii-san announced last month that revisions have been made to the scenario, and we’re trying to incorporate as many minor costume changes for the characters as possible based on when and how they appear.
We might also let characters ●●●●● or ●●●●●● in order to collect information, etc… There will be other characters aside from Sigurd whose appearances change, so we hope you’re looking forward to that.
Sigurd’s 3D Model
Here’s Sigurd’s base model, which is still under construction. You may notice that there are still some differences from the design art, but we’re also looking forward to seeing how much it will change through the brush-up stage.
By the way, one of the gadgets Sigurd uses is the Wire Hook, a gadget that allows the user to shoot a hook with a wire at special points from a distance, then instantly move to that point. It’s doesn’t just let the user move from one cliff to the other, but also lets them dangle from one point to another, or to move from high to low, etc. In short, we’re designing it so that it’ll let you perform some very daring actions. Considering how Sigurd would use such gadgets is one of the other reasons why we adjusted his costume in these ways.
About Sigurd
He used to be a knight who fought evil for the Order of the Sacred Key based on their laws, until he lost sight of what justice really means. As of now, the Order has placed a bounty on his head and is actively hunting him down. While hiding out in the wilderness, trying to stay away from people as much as possible, he encounters Ingram and his friends.
Sigurd is a large man with a lean physique and sharp one-eyed gaze. He looks as dangerous as a wounded beast, and seems to threaten Ingram and his friends at first…
He’s also 30, making him the oldest member of the party, and is modest in his assertiveness. He tends to let the proactive Ingram, responsible Alicia, and reckless Mercedes take the initiative on things. Sigurd isn’t good at socializing, but animals tend to take to him, so he’s often envied by Euclid, who wants to make more furry friends. Soleil is also surprised to see Strisch take to someone other than herself.
However, Sigurd is not as gentle as his mannerisms suggest. Passionate justice burns within him, and he will slay any evil without mercy once he determines it to be a threat. His initial ARM is a katanasword-shaped weapon that specializes in attacks that inflict heavy damage on single targets. The synergistic effects from the swordsmanship that Sigurd practiced makes him a very powerful attacker.
During his time at the Order of the Sacred Key, he had many opportunities to be deployed on emergency missions. During those he usually ate ochazuke since it’s a quick and easy meal. This is a good example of how dutiful he is. His favorite type of ochazuke is salmon ochazuke with a dash of wasabi, and he doesn’t like pickled plum ochazuke because it’s sour.
That's all for this month's report. The temperature is changing rapidly, so please take care of yourself. I feel like all I ever do is talk about hot and cold weather every month…like Tugg Speedman from the “Scorcher” hexaology.
But the climate’s clearly been strange recently, so it can't be helped! (not my fault)
See you soon.
PENNY BLOOD Project Diary
Good evening, everyone. How are you enjoying these long autumn nights? Recently, it’s been getting very cold in the mornings and evenings. Now then, let’s begin this month’s Penny Blood project update.
There are only two months left in the year, which means two years have passed since the double kickstarter campaign. Unfortunately, we still have not found a publisher for Penny Blood. However, we at Studio Wild Rose have not lost hope, and continue to work on various content through which we can bring the characters and world of Penny Blood to life.
One is a project in which new stories will be created, bringing in new characters while still inheriting the world and settings that have been passed on from Shadow Hearts to Penny Blood. We excel in creating charming characters, worlds and settings and putting them into exciting stories, so while this won’t be another game, we hope to deliver it to you all as a different type of entertainment. I’m planning to reveal information on this across the end of this year, so please look forward to it.
I also want to give another heartfelt thanks to the backers all over the world who have supported us, the fans from long ago who continue to support us, and all the moderators who have been doing their best to keep the project alive.
Please continue to keep watch over Penny Blood. See you all next month.
Matsuzo Machida
Message from Hirota-san
Hello, everyone. I feel like I have been writing here for a long time now about how hot and humid it’s been, but now we’re finally in autumn… or rather, we’ve gone past that and jumped straight into winter. Until just the other day, it was still about 30 C in my studio without A/C due to the heat from my equipment, but now it’s gone down to 27 C without A/C – much cooler and more comfortable.
After Furukawa-san, director of Penny Blood: Hellbound, was kind enough to come to my concert in September and tell me that we still had some sound work left to do, I started working on songs and sound effects for the last scene. I finished one song and some sound effects, and now I’m working on another song for the “real” last scene. I plan to finish it up at the start of next week.
I’ve also been working on the final sound adjustments in tandem, so I’m in the true “last spurt” now. Once I’m done with all this, I’ll start preparing a soundtrack CD and streaming options to present to you all.
As for the main game, all I can work on is sound-related things, but I’ll do everything I can to move things ahead in that regard. I was able to experiment and try a lot of new things with Penny Blood: Hellbound, and I plan to make use of everything I’ve learned, so I hope you’re all looking forward to it.
October 2024 Update
5 months ago
– Fri, Oct 04, 2024 at 06:45:18 AM
Hello JRPG Fans!
We are heading into colder months but continue to work hard behind the scenes.
Development Update
We’re down to the last quarter of the year. Looking back, time sure went fast. How are you all enjoying your long autumn evenings?
This month’s project update comes to you from Ishii.
ARMED FANTASIA October 2024 Project News
It's October, and I’m Chief Director Ishii.
The seasons are changing now, so I’m trying to take care of my health. Fortunately, no one on the development team has gotten so sick that they've had to stay in bed all day, but we can't be too careful.
Speaking of which, do epidemics exist in Londenium? Kaneko’s sitting right over there, so let’s ask him.
“Yes, they have everything.”
This month's report will focus on battle effects.
Battle Effect Production Process
Battle effects can be a highlight of any RPG. They can enhance how good attacks feel and how spectacular the battle screen looks by one or two levels depending on their quality. They’re also important in a different sense from the effects of games where players control the action themselves, since with turn-based battle systems, you’re often staring at the screen as you think about what tactics to use on your next turn.
Here’s how we go about creating the actual effects. First, we talk to the planner about any points that are unclear to us, based on the specifications they’ve given us. If we don’t take our time and do this step properly, we could end up with something like a fireball that flies up into the air when they actually needed a pillar of fire rising up from the ground. With things like breath, we need to make sure that matches up with the model’s motions. Also, when it comes to something big like special move cutscenes, we often get orders to handle everything on the effects side, including the ground breaking up, countless swords sticking up, universe, planets, etc.
Since effect work is downstream in the production process, we really hate it when we get orders like that in the middle of an already tight schedule. However, I think that some of you have seen cutscenes similar to what I described above in the Wild Arms series… Well, I’m the one who created those. I owe a great deal to the effects team I worked with. I think we all did a great job.
It's been a while since '2', '3', and 'F' came out, so it's okay to talk about this, right?
Actual Production
Once we’ve heard all their requirements, the next step is to figure out how to put all these effects together. These days, I think most effects are created using particle bases, but depending on the processing power of the hardware, people choose other methods such as model bases in order to prevent processing lag. In terms of the expression, we need on what’s right for the atmosphere of the game. Should it be magic-based, chemical-based…should we go for a more realistic style, or anime style, etc.
This is where the person in charge’s sense of style really comes into play. More than anything, it requires a wide range of knowledge. Effect artists often collect videos of lightning strikes, explosions, and tornadoes for times like these. They aren’t just collecting those things for fun.
Incidentally, Kaneko also collects the above videos, but I think he’s just doing it for fun. I saw him giggling at a video showing how snake fireworks work…
In any case, this is how we’re going about creating the effects. Now, I’d like to do something unusual and show you some videos of WIP effects that will be used in Armed Fantasia. It’s very rare for the public to be able to see videos like this.
Light Invocation (Temporary Name)
The first one is Light Invocation, an elemental self-destruct move. Since it’s a self-destruct move, it does a lot of damage….or at least, it should, but since it’s rather smooth at the end, it might look softer than you expect. From that point on, I’d like to add a more pleasing effect when all the energy escapes outward. It needs a little more color, too.
In action games where moves are performed in succession, effects often overlap on top of one another, so it’s important to keep them divided up by color. But in my opinion as the chief director, I think one or two additional colors should be added to effects for command-based RPGs.
I think the distortion of space when it explodes and the way the power’s charged up have really good flavor to them. It’s also nice how even though the same distortion is continuing, there’s still some variety to be found there.
Incidentally, the anomaly that uses this technique is Ignis Fatuus, one that we’ve never revealed before.
I heard that they’re troublesome creatures who possess different elemental affinities depending on their habitats. Let’s ask Kaneko, who once again happens to be right next to me, what kind of anomaly the Ignis Fatuus is.
“It’s a light-elemental insect monster based on a firefly…so how did it turn out like this?”
…A lot happens over the course of a game’s production.
Invincible (Temporary Name)
The second video is “Invincible,” a defense technique. It makes the user harder.
I think the raised shield is the center of the effect, but when viewed from the front, I thought it may look better if the center was a bit lower. It’s interesting how that ceases to really matter once you’re looking down on it from above during the second half.
We created this effect using red, which expresses the “powering up” aspect, and “blue,” which expresses the “hardening” aspect. It’s interesting, but the color blending is a little off, so it still needs to be adjusted. The end of the effect doesn’t look very hard – which is a pretty risky move, so I like it.
I gathered all the WIP footage I could for this update, so there’s a high possibility that things will change a lot, especially concerning the technique names and effects.
And I hear that the scenario is also being revised with a lot of new details added?
Apparently, the first draft written by Kaneko is being revised by Sekiya, the scenario director, from a third-party perspective, so the already rich characters are being refined even further.
Some characters were named random things like “Villager A” since Kaneko wanted to emphasize the momentum of his writing at the start, but they’re all getting proper names now.
Hmm, I need to get going on the storyboards…
Well, that's all for this time.
See you next month.
Penny Blood Project Diary
Dear everyone, how are you enjoying your long autumn nights? We’re in the season now where the voices of insects sound pleasing to the ears. This month, as Director Machida announced last update, Kato will be telling us the story of how Baby Cthulhu came to be.
First, I received an order to design a mascot character, then had a light meeting with Director Machida. In terms of animals, we already have Luka (?), so we needed to think of something from a different perspective. After some considerations, we settled on designing the child of an evil god from the Cthulhu mythos.
As for how the design would be used… -It’ll eventually become a plushie. -It won’t just be used in the main game for Penny Blood, but other contents as well. -It’ll be a simple design that’ll be easy to sketch. -It should be about as big as a rugby ball, making it easy for Matthew to grab with all his strength.
…And so on and so forth. I kept all these requests in mind as I proceeded with my work.
(The child of an evil god from the Cthulhu mythos that could also work as a mascot…) Feeling as if I was preparing to try and hit a thousand home runs, I started working on the rough design. At this stage, I was still trying to come up with ideas, so I gathered materials on evil gods from the Cthulhu mythos in order to try and decide which one to base it on, then did some rough sketches. As I started drawing, I tried to aim for a level of cuteness that I believed would be most fitting for a mascot character. Although I knew I had to try and keep it from getting too animalistic, I ended up drawing a Cthylla that kind of looks like a cat, as well as a Nyogtha that kind of looks like an amoeba…
Then, Director Machida’s voice echoed out. “You should make it Cthulhu.” And so, I created a rough draft based on that sudden first hint: “Cthulhu.” It’s small, but it still looks pretty menacing.
From behind me, Director Machida said: “Make it really cute,” which caused my hands to freeze. Is the “cute” I’m thinking of really the same as the “cute” he’s envisioning?
I had him check my rough drafts in order to sync up our visions. Director Machida stared at the menacing rough draft. “I kind of want its form to look just like a baby’s.”
“Okay.” (Ahh, so I got it wrong…)
“Do you know of the character ‘Mogutan?’”
“Oh, that pink thing?” (Mogutan… Does he mean the Mogutan from Manga Hajimete Monogatari, that old kids’ show from the Showa Era?)
“Yeah, I want it to look pudgy and kind of like a baby, like that thing. Then, just make it look like the sort of Cthulhu that everyone knows. Oh, and I want it to be able to fly, too.”
And so, my ultimate goal became Mogutan + Cthulhu. After dunking all the rough drafts I’d done so far into the trash, I started drawing a ton of Mogutan-esque Cthulhus. From this point on I no longer faltered, and once I adjusted the size of its head and number of tentacles, I proceeded to the color rough draft stage.
The image was already solidified in my head at this point, so I finished the color rough draft in no time at all, then shared it with the other development members at a meeting and got their opinions. After that, I adjusted the size of its eyes and the thickness of its arms and legs in order to make it even more cute, and the design was finally completed.
This is how Baby Cthulhu, the mascot for Penny Blood, was created. In the main game it will exist as a helpful character, but it’ll also unveil its cuteness in many other places, so I hope you’ll all give it the love it deserves. That concludes the story of how Baby Cthulhu came to be. Thank you for reading.
Lastly, I drew an illustration (Halloween-themed) for the two-year anniversary of Penny Blood, so I hope you’ll all check it out. As you can see, although they still aren’t fully assembled yet, the number of characters has increased quite a bit…
Message from Hirota-san
Good evening, everyone.
The summer, which was way too hot, is finally coming to an end, and it seems like autumn has finally arrived…but yesterday the temperature was still over 30 degrees, making it feel like a hot summer. Please take care of your health during this change of seasons.
For this month’s update, I would like to focus on extending my gratitude and discussing the performances I did last month.
On September 16th, 17th, and 18th, I performed a concert titled -Self Portrait of Noise-, in which I performed special arranged versions of songs from Penny Blood, Penny Blood: Hellbound, and the Shadow Hearts series. I would like to sincerely thank everyone who attended them in Kyoto and Tokyo or who viewed the livestreams. Three full days of being able to perform with my amazing friends and share it with everyone made me deeply happy, and the time we spent together are as precious as gemstones to me. I would also like to thank Benyamin Nuss (Piano) and Shauno Isomura (Violin) from the bottom of my heart for understanding my songs from the core and lifting them up to even greater heights.
For a while after it was over, I felt a sense of fulfillment, yet the exhaustion also left me drained. I'm gradually recovering now.
Furukawa-san, the development director of Penny Blood: Hellbound, attended my Kyoto concert. I felt a little bad asking him to do so, but he was kind enough to give a speech during the performance. During that speech, it became clear that even though I thought I’d finished all the sound production work a week before the concert…there’s apparently still some work left to be done. Now that the performance is over and I’ve calmed down, I’d like to have a meeting with him and get going on fishing things off.
The tickets for the Tokyo performance sold out a few days before the show, so I was happy that a lot of other people were able to watch the livestream. I was also grateful to see all the messages that came along with the mail reservations and comments attached to the ticket purchases.
I will take to heart all the love and expectations you share for the three works.
The sound development for Penny Blood: Hellbound that got left over will soon be complete. After that, I’ll start making plans for the sound development for the main game.
You can see clip from the performances and people’s comments on them using hashtags here on X: