
Penny Blood: Hellbound

Created by Double Kickstarter

Welcome to the Penny Blood: Hellbound pre-order store! You can pre-order Penny Blood: Hellbound as well as some premium rewards here. Everyone who pre-orders or purchases via the Backerkit store receives the limited edition Closed Beta Backer Emblem. If you have purchased something from the Armed Fantasia and Penny Blood Kickstarter or Backerkit Pre-order store you are eligible for a discount so please choose the “Backer Discount” version. If this is your first time purchasing anything related to Armed Fantasia or Penny Blood, please choose the “New backer” option or you can visit the original Double Kickstarter Backerkit Pre-order store here. If you back a game there you are eligible for the Pre-exisitng Backer discount. Please visit the Closed Beta Google Form in-game to provide feedback and help us make the best game possible. Penny Blood: Hellbound features: ・Play as the Hellhounders - the rival group of baddies that try to thwart Matthew and friends at their every turn in Penny Blood. ・Roguelike gameplay where each run provides a plethora of unlocks, power-ups, and new skills as you march forward towards the final confrontation. ・The Malice System where the more blood you spill, the more currency you earn for unlocks ・Blood spilt also allows for better mobility via "bloodsurfing" where you can unleash stronger momentum-based attacks and skill-based upgrades ・Strategize your run well by choosing the best pair of Hellhounders out of a total 6 selectable characters that you can swap between in real-time ・Music by Yoshitaka Hirota with guest composer Noriyuki Iwadare of Lunar and Grandia fame ... ようこそ、「PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND」予約ストアへ!ここでは、「PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUND」と、プレミアムリワードの予約ができます。バッカーキットから予約、または購入された皆様には、バッカー向けベータ版の限定エンブレムをプレゼントいたします。また、すでに「ARMED FANTASIA」と「PENNY BLOOD」のダブルキックスターターやバッカーキット予約ストアにて購入済みのものがある方には、割引特典が適用されますので、予約時に「Backer Discount」版の選択をお願いいたします。今回が「ARMED FANTASIA」または「PENNY BLOOD」関連で初めてのお買い物の皆様は、「New backer」を選んでいただきますようお願いいたします。また、ダブルキックスターターのバッカーキット予約ストアでどちらかのタイトルをご購入されましたら、割引が適用されます。是非、限定ベータ版Google Formにてフィードバックをご提供いただき、ベストなゲームを作れるよう力を貸していただけると幸いです。 ダブルキックスターターバッカーキットストア: PENNY BLOOD: HELLBOUNDの要素 ・『PENNY BLOOD』でマシューとその仲間たちの行く手を阻もうとする敵の悪党集団、ヘルハウンダーズとしてプレイ。 ・最終決戦に向けて前進するたびに、解放要素、パワーアップ、新しいスキルの数々が手に入るローグライクゲーム。 ・血を流せば流すほど、アンロックのための通貨が増える「マリスシステム」。 ・勢いをつけた強力な攻撃やスキルのアップグレードを可能にする「ブラッドサーフィン」で機動性のアップも、血を流すことで可能。 ・リアルタイムで入れ替え可能な6人のヘルハウンダーズから、最適なペアを選択し、お好きな戦略で出陣。 ・作曲は弘田佳孝、ゲストコンポーザーとして『LUNAR ザ・シルバースター』や『グランディア』で有名な岩垂徳行も参加。

Latest Updates from Our Project:

March 2023 Update
over 1 year ago – Fri, Mar 31, 2023 at 05:58:39 AM


Greetings Backers!

The weather is fine in Japan and the cherry blossoms have never looked better!

Campaign Update

Confidential Information Issue Follow-up

We have sent E-mails to all affected backers informing them of the recent E-mail issue. Our goal is to address all affected backers on an individual basis in hopes that we can rebuild any lost trust over this issue. The header will read "Double Kickstarter: Update on Confidential Information Issue".

The goal with any crowdfunding campaign is to make sure backers have a closer connection point to the creators and get more in-depth looks at the creative process but we want to make sure it's clear the campaign team who is working to facilitate the campaign is responsible for logistical issues and problems that have occurred. In this case in particular we want to be clear that we are a separate entity from both Yukikaze and Wild Bunch Productions so the responsibility is ours alone.


We are currently at 80% of surveys completed so please do check your in-box to see if one has arrived. Most crowdfunded campaigns get up to over 90% but still hundreds of backers end up not filling out their survey which means we are unable to ship their rewards.

Development Updates


Tokyo has been experiencing a lot of big differences in temperature lately, but how is everyone else doing around the world?

Here's another project progress report from Kaneko for this month.

ARMED FANTASIA March 2023 Project Report


We've started to examine the locations for the world map. Currently, we're adjusting the map so that it can include a variety of landscapes and keep adventurers from getting bored on their journeys.

We created a white box for one new dungeon.

The way gadgets work on the map is being refined from our imagination to actual specifications as needed.

The town at the beginning of the story has been used as a model case to create design patterns for Westernpunk-style houses.

↑We're creating assets that are both general-purpose and can be personalized for each building.


We've been calculating and scheduling design workloads.

We've also designed a new character who serves as both an ally and an enemy to the main characters.

We've done a more detailed examination of how the message windows will work in conjunction with events.

The font size was adjusted to a larger size. Adding kana only after increasing the resolution is a thing of the past. For Armed Fantasia, we want to allow players to read large, beautiful letters.

Kaiju designs are still being worked on.

We selected a new external designer. Negotiations are currently underway.



PENNY BLOOD Project Diary

Good evening everyone. Machida here, who just saw Shin Kamen Rider and is now burning with creativity.

Incidentally, flowers have started blooming all throughout the Japanese archipelago, and Niigata, my hometown, was scheduled to see its flowers bloom on 3/27. It seems like this weekend will be the perfect time to go flower viewing, so I hope I'll get to walk through the cherry blossom trees when I'm outside this weekend.

Now, it's time for this month's Penny Blood project update. We're still working on the walkthrough version - working VERY hard on it! We've been exchanging ideas on how to improve it even more, and we're currently in the middle of discussing which improvements we should prioritize most.

Personally, I'm still working on the overall structure for the story. I've split the plot up into chapters, and the more I write, the more characters appear - both new and old. Even I'm excited to see just what sort of things they end up doing in the world of Penny Blood. I wanted to finish everything by the end of this month, but since my time got taken up by other things, I'll be working on it for a bit longer.

Kato-san has been creating new characters and working on design documents to help outside artists assist her. When a character appears twice in two different time periods, it affects their clothing and overall design, so she's been working hard on designs for characters before and after time has taken its toll on them.

Hanya-san finished up with Agent Hoover, and worked on designing a grotesque monster that appears in the prologue. This monster has a really gross design to it, kind of like several humans fused together. I can't wait to see how gross it looks when it's in motion. I wonder which NPC I should have him work on next... Oh, I know! I'll have him work on HER...

Watanabe-san is drawing the stronghold that appears on mainland China. He created an image board that packs such a punch it looks like it could be used as package art for a  plastic model battleship kit. It's going to be similar to Ryounkaku Citadel, which we revealed during the DKS campaign. At the time, the Russo-Japanese War had just ended, and Russian and Japanese territories had undergone changes, so we wanted it to be a locale that exhibits vestiges of that sort of thing. It's already become one of my favorite dungeons.

Sound-wise, Hirota-san's Osaka concert on 3/18 seemed to be a big hit. We really enjoyed watching it on stream. I think Hirota-san will be commenting on it afterwards, so I hope you read his update too.

I'd also like to thank everyone who tuned into the Creators Radio we did after the concert. We're thinking about doing another one toward the end of April. We'll do a proper announcement once it gets closer.

That's it for this month's update.

I hope you all enjoy the beautiful cherry blossom season!

Matsuzo Machida

Message from Hirota-san

Good evening, everyone.

March ended up being full of chances for people to dabble in the world of PENNY BLOOD through its music, with "Composition Work for PENNY BLOOD", "Workroom Inferno Vol. 0," and "PENNY BLOOD -CLUB INFERNO- Osaka-Side." Did you all watch the streams?

As the title "Composition Work for Penny Blood" suggests, that was a stream I did from my composing room, where I composed music live. I was worried as to whether people would actually enjoy watching me compose, but all the warm comments I received from everyone put me at ease. I hope I can stream the continuation of my work on that song in the future, and I hope you'll all tune in when I do.

"Workroom Inferno Vol. 0" was an intro to the club party that I streamed one week before the event. It was basically a machine concert where I used software as well as hardware such as drum machines, analog synthesizers to mix the music in real-time.

Last but not least, we had "PENNY BLOOD -CLUB INFERNO- Osaka-Side." Now that I think about it, this was our first real 'official event.' You'd probably be hard-pressed to find another club event full of people dancing to remixed music from an RPG that's still being worked on, regardless of where you looked. I was really glad to be able to meet with people who are excited for PENNY BLOOD and talk to them in person. The 4 DJs who warmed up the room before I went on were all really cool, awesome, and fun to watch! I had a blast performing while watching everyone dance and have a good time. I hope I can see you all again someday! Thanks to everyone who watched us on stream, too.

You can check out details from the event by searching with the hashtag "#pennyblood_osaka" on Twitter.

After the concert, I received lots of messages from people who wanted us to put on a similar event in their cities as well. First, though, I need to create more music for the game, or else I'll just end up creating variations of remixes... Slowly but surely, I'd like to increase my repertoire and put on all sorts of parties and concerts where people can enjoy music from Penny Blood, whether it's in Japan or otherwise. (I want to enjoy the delicious food and alcohol all cities have to offer as well...!)

Aside from the events, I've also been working on the sound design for the walkthrough. This month, I mainly thought about the direction for the sound effects and also did some trial and error to improve sounds that have already been added. Footsteps are an especially great way to provide additional information to the senses that can't be covered by the visuals. How big/wide is the field, how high is the ceiling, what is the floor made of? Footsteps are an incredible tool that can create a greater sense of immersion for users and deliver the atmosphere to them in a more direct manner. I can't imagine creating a game without giving proper thought to these kinds of sounds.

As I continue working hard, I'm really excited for the day when you'll all be able to listen to my work. Until then, I hope you all stay well.






先日のメール誤送信の件につきましては、影響を受けたすべてのバッカー様に、状況をご説明するメールをお送りいたしました。私たちキャンペーンチームは、影響を受けたすべてのバッカー様に個別に対応させていただき、誠心誠意、信頼の回復に努めて参ります。。「重要:機密情報の問題( "Double Kickstarter: Update on Confidential Information Issue")」という件名のメールをお送りしますので、ご確認をよろしくお願いいたします。この度は誠に申し訳ありませんでした。

キャンペーン中に発生したロジスティクスの問題に対する全責任は、キャンペーンを促進するために働いている私たちキャンペーンチームにある、ということを明確にさせていただきます。クラウドファンディングキャンペーンの目標は、バッカー様がクリエイター様とより密接なつながりを持ち、クリエイティブなプロセスをより深く見ることができるようにすることにあります。今回の全責任は私たちキャンペーンチームにあり、クリエイターであるYukikaze様とWild Bunch Productions様は、私たちとは別の組織であることを改めて申し上げたいと思います。重ねてのお詫びとなりますが、この度は誠に申し訳ありませんでした。







『ARMED FANTASIA』2023年3月プロジェクト月報
















『PENNY BLOOD』プロジェクト日記



では、今月もPENNY BLOOD プロジェクトの進捗を報告させていただきます。


町田はと言うと、相変わらずストーリー構成を続けています。プロットを章に分けて書いて行くのですが、話が進むにつれ新キャラが登場したり懐かしいキャラが出てきたりして、一体 PENNYBLOOD ではどんな活躍を見せてくれるのだろうと自分でも楽しい気分になってきます。本当は今月末に全部終わらせたかったんだけど、他のことに手を取られているのもあるので、もう少し時間をもらうことにしました。





ライブの後に再開した Creators Radio もみなさん聴きに来てくださってありがとうございました。次回は4月の終わり頃に開催したいと考えていますので、また近くなったら告知します。



町田 松三



3月は「Composition work for PENNY BLOOD」「Workroom Inferno Vol.0」「PENNY BLOOD -CLUB INFERNO- Osaka-Side」と、音楽を通してPENNY BLOODの世界に触れて頂く機会が多かった月間でした。配信はご覧になりましたか?

「Composition work for Penny Blood」は、タイトルの通り私が作曲している姿を、私の作曲部屋からお送りしました。作曲の様子なんて皆さんに楽しんでもらえるのか、少し不安でしたが、多くの方から暖かいコメントを頂いてホッとしています。あの曲の作曲の続きを、機会をみて配信できればと思っていますので、その時はまたぜひご覧になってください。

「Workroom Inferno Vol.0」は、翌週のクラブパーティのイントロ版としてライブを配信しました。それは、いわゆるマシンライブで、ドラムマシンやアナログシンセなどのハードウェア、およびソフトウェアを使って、リアルタイムで楽曲のリミックスをしていくライブプレイです。

そして「PENNY BLOOD -CLUB INFERNO- Osaka-Side」。今考えるとこれは初の公式リアルイベントだったのかな。制作中のRPG音楽のリミックスで踊って盛り上がるクラブイベントなんて世界中探してもあまり無いかも。PENNY BLOODに期待を寄せてくださっている方々とリアルでお会いできて、近くでお話しできて本当に嬉しかったです。私の前に盛り上げてくださった4人のDJsのプレイも、とてもかっこよく、楽しく、素晴らしかったですね!私も皆さんが踊ったり盛り上がっている様子を見ながら、とても楽しんでライブプレイできました。きっとまたお会いしましょう!配信でご覧になった方々もありがとうございました。





Confidential Information Issue
over 1 year ago – Sat, Mar 18, 2023 at 06:57:52 AM


Dear Backers,

Thank you for all who attended the DJ event in Osaka and everyone who joined us on the stream. Unfortunately, in trying to manually send out invites it was clear our E-mail system wouldn't support such a large number of messages.

While sectioning off the E-mails and sending them to different groups, one group received messages that were not BCCed allowing other backers to see other E-mails addresses. This affected lower than 3% of the backers but we take confidentiality very seriously and will make every effort to fix this issue moving forward. Also, please note this was a mishandling by the campaign team and not the creators making the games.

We understand this creates a trust issue and apologize for any and all inconveniences this may cause. If you have any questions please send us an E-mail directly to [email protected].

-Double Kickstarter Campaign Team




ご質問がある場合は、[email protected] まで直接メールをお送りください。

 PENNY BLOOD キャンペーンチーム